"Come on, Lia. He deserves an explanation at least."

"What am I going to tell him then? Oh hey, Yuno. It's me and I just want to tell you about this creature named Mother Supreme. I don't recommend going near her. Anyway, I had an agreement with her and it requires-"

"Stop." He said. "Just stop." He laughed but I can see the pain in his eyes. "So when are you going?"

"Tomorrow? She only gave me 36 hours." I held the watch for him to see.

"You only got 28 left." He said.

"Hmm, can you do me a favor?"

"Of course, what is it?" He looked at me.

"Meet me here at exactly..." I looked at the watch. "8 hours from now. I gotta do something." I smiled to cheer him up.

"Okay." He said and looked away.

"Okay." I replied and sighed.

"You knew don't you?" He spoke after a long silence.

"Of course. I always know, Sam. I'm not always that dumb." I smiled bitterly. "It seems that I can never really escape her, you know?" I looked at him. "But you can." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "Oh? Is that sadness I see in you?" I joked to hide the pain I'm feeling on the inside.

"Funny how we were trained to feel no emotion at all. But here we are, the top two students of the Diamond Kingdom! Sitting on a tree, one close to bawling his eyes out and the other.." He looked at me for a brief moment before speaking. "And the other wants to get revenge because her boyfriend almost met the first Wizard King!" After saying that we both laughed for a good minute.

"That was weirdly specific." I said while wiping the tears in my eyes.

"Yeah you wouldn't know which is which." He said.

"I got to go now, Sammael." I faced him.

"Telling you to be careful is pointless now, would it?" He said making me chuckle.

"Yes." I said while chuckling.

"Okay, let me give you a hug instead." He said and engulfed me in a hug.

"This feels nice." I said while tapping his back.

"Yeah, it's because you're hugging me, the hottest guy in all of the four kingdoms." He said proudly before breaking away.

"Hmm, no. Yuno's still hotter."

"Wrong. He's colder because he's half-dead, Lia." He said making me glare at him.

"That's a foul."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry." He apologized making me laugh for the nth time today.

"You really made my day 20 times better. Thank you, Sam."

"Anytime." He smiled. I waved at him before hopping of the branch. I made my way to the base and doing my business. Everyone seems to be asleep, good. Now let's get this over with.

"My hand hurts!" I groaned and rested my back on the chair. Is this everyone? I counted the folded papers on my desk before standing up and checking my watch. "Oh, shit! I'm late!" I carried all the letters before jumping out of the window. I flew as fast as I could and was met with a grumpy Sam.


"I know! Here, bye!" I quickly handed him the letter before speeding up to the meeting place.

"Oi!" I heard Sam shout in the distance. I paid no attention to him and just sped off to the distance.

"You're tardy, darling. Didn't expect that from you." She said with her arms crossed.

Captivated by the Wind || Black Clover FF || YunoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora