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It's dark. It is so freaking dark. God, I am such a baby. I walk as quickly as I can to Phil's house but it is so dark. The moon is covered by the clouds so I don't even have that light source. My hands start shaking and I quicken my pace. Why did I think this would be a good idea? I am such an idiot.

I walk closer to the house when I trip on something weirdly soft. I look down to see a cat hissing at me and scratching my legs as I sit on the hard road. I attempt to get up but the cat won't get away from my feet and I end up falling onto my back as my ankle twists. I yelp as pain shoots through me and the cat runs away. I look over myself, panting, as I see the bloodied mess my legs have become from the cat attacking them. I attempt to sit up but my back hurts too much and I end up just lying there, wincing in pain every time I move even the slightest.

I lie there for a long time, staring up at the stars until I try to move my back again and manage to get into a sitting position. I sit there for a while just thinking about how to do this. I'm pretty sure I twisted my ankle badly and my back is killing me. Oh god, this was a bad idea. I hear footsteps in the darkness and look up to see none other than Sophie and Phil standing above me. "Phil, you shouldn't be walking." I scold him weakly.

"Dan, what happened?" He asks, kneeling down in front of me.

"I tripped on a cat, hurt my back and then it started attacking my legs." I explain and look down at my blood stained legs.

"I'll go and get your wheelchair, wait here." Sophie says and runs the short distance over to the house.

"You've been out here for an hour, are you okay?" Phil asks, brushing my hair out of my eyes.

"Yeah, I just- I'm not such a huge fan of the dark." I admit, blushing with embarrassment.

"You should have told me, I would have sent Sophie with you." He says just as Sophie returns. Phil sits in the wheelchair and Sophie helps me onto my feet but I hop on one leg immediately. "Sit on my lap." Phil instructs and I hop over until I am on his lap. I relax my back against his chest to relieve it of the strain I was putting on it and Phil takes hold of the wheels. "We'll be fine from here, I'll see you tomorrow, Sophie." Phil says politely.

"I'll let Pj know you two are okay, stay safe." She says before we part ways.

When we get back home, I try to get off of Phil but my back hurts too much. "Would you like a bath? Your legs look pretty bad." Phil asks and I nod. He wheels us into the bathroom.

"Phil," I sniffle. "My back really hurts and I twisted my ankle, can you help me?" I ask shyly.

"Sure." He says and he gets out of the wheelchair, lifting me up with him. He sits me in the closed toilet seat while he pushes his chair to the side of the room. "Lift your arms." He says and as I do so, he lifts my shirt and jumper over my head in one and places them in the seat of his chair.

"I can get my trousers down to my legs but I can't bend properly." I say and he nods. He walks over to the bath and runs the tap while I slide my trousers off until they fall to my ankles.

Phil comes back over and begins to take them off of my ankles. I hiss as he touches one of the cat scratches. "I'm sorry, shh, it's okay." He hushes softly as I clench the toilet seat tightly in my attempt to keep my composure. Once the trousers are off, Phil, without missing a beat, instructs me to take off my boxers. I do so shyly but he doesn't seem phased at all. I guess he's so focussed on getting me better that he doesn't care about that. He carefully helps me up so that I can lean on one foot and hop to the bathtub. He lifts me up and into the warm water until I am lying down.

"Thank you for this." I whisper as he begins to carefully wash my legs. I watch as the water begins to stain red.

"It's no problem." He says and begins to wash the rest of me. He is very gentle and carefully with me. He talks to me and makes jokes. At one point, he says that I sound posh so I splash him with water. He just splashes me back and we end up in a fit of laughter.

"I'm not posh, I'm just articulate." I argue after receiving as face full of water.

"Whatever makes you happy." He says with a cheesy grin.

"You make me happy." I say before I can stop myself. I get nervous but his smile doesn't fade.

"And you make my life way more interesting." He says and he's smiling but his words aren't positive in my ears.

"You mean difficult." I say.

"If you don't take that back I am leaving you in this bathtub all night." He says. He's smiling but I can hear the serious tone in his voice.

"Fine, I take it back." I say, rolling my eyes even though I still don't believe it.

"Good, now let's get you dried and ready for bed." He says and leans down to pick me up from the bath. He sits me on a towel that he placed on the floor earlier and wraps another towel around my shoulders. "Put your legs out." He says and he sits in front of me with some bandages. He wraps my legs up tightly and securely before leaving the room. He come back with some pyjamas and I smile up at him. He helps me change before carrying me to his bedroom. He lays me down on his bed before sitting next to my head. He brushes my hair out of my eyes.

I smile up at him. "Honestly, thank you so much." I say.

"Do you want some dinner?" He asks. I shake my head. "Do you think you could manage some biscuits at least?"

"If it makes you happy." I reply.

"It would make me incredibly happy." He says and goes to get some biscuits. I sit up when he comes back in and we sit together and talk for a while until I fall asleep mid conversation.

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