ep 4 🛹🛹 pt. 2

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( 3rd person POV )

A pink Car was seen driving it was Shadow , being tolled by The 3 males who hijacked his Car to go somewhere to Teach Reki somethings for his beef against Adam.

They were discussing about this Adam guy..and this so Called ' love Hug '

" He goes Uphill , when he uses Love Hug " Miya spoke 
" Uphill? That's impossible " Reki spoke back from the Backseat
" Yeah , u can only go down when your uphill , that's insane " Shadow also voiced out While , Langa just Listened to their Conversation with an ' aaww ' Expression on his Face.

( Change scene )
( With Cherry and Joe )

" I met 'Snow' and his Friends this Afternoon " Joe spoke towards Cherry.

" Snow? " Cherry spoke with a confused tone.

" That Duct tape Rookie , and I met That Girl too " joe Spoke bAck towards his companion

" Hmm oh...Fuzzy-chan? " Cherry voiced back now looking at him ,

" Fuzzy-chan? Is that what they call her? " Joe asked back , confused as to why this so Called girl had a title.

" Hmm..when she skates...she almost looks like blur ...I don't know something about her skating is different ...the elegance and the  mastery of her foot , is immaculate , when she skates , on the screens you can only see a black with purple hue Blur , "  Cherry spoke , trough out his observation towards the Girl.

" Ohh....* Chuckles *  I fed her yesterday " Joe spoke with giggles Remembering the child throwing a tantrum this afternoon about chopsticks

" Huh?! Oi Gorilla! You did What?! "
Cherry asked quite flabbergasted about Joe's statement.

" Hmm Haha seems like she don't know how to use chopsticks , she was having a small tantrum about how annoying Chopsticks are , HAHAHAH she looked like a Child , so I fed her the noodles she ordered "  Joe answered him back while Laughing in between his sentences about the Girl.

" She can't use chopsticks? So that means ... she's not originally from Japan... just who exactly is that girl? "
Cherry voiced out

" Hmm yeah..she's probably not originally from here...what's her Real name? " Joe asked further to Cherry

" I don't know Actually , but...back to the topic those two....Snow and Fuzzy-chan ...are they also the reason why Adam Came back? "  Cherry spoke

" It's someone who aroused his attention , for a while " Joe voiced

" I'm going to challenge adam to a Beef "  Cherry spoke with seriously laying on his Voice
" Me too! " Joe answered with the same Seriousness

" Don't copy me!! " Cherry exclamaimed while getting closer to his gorilla friend.

" I'm not copying You! " - Joe

" Then get back in line! " - cherry

" I'm not gonna budge! , We' ll decide a via Challenge! " -joe

" I accept!! " Cherry exclamaimed back to Joe their Foreheads Touching.

They continued to bicker ..
Now we look at  the 2 teens , 1 14 yr old and an Old man

Miya can be seen , skating downhill with a fury amount of speed , he was getting to the curve ...

" He's not slowing down " Shadow exclamaimed. 

Miya did the trick ast the same thing he did with his beef against Langa , by simply jumping on the side of his board and sliding down the curve
This trick is called a 'railslide'

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