Chapter Five: Rookie

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The bright light of Nicole's phone pierced through the dark room. Her alarm was signaling that it was time to get up. Nicole groaned. She hadn't slept well in her new apartment. She kept hearing scratching in the walls, and she was sure it was a whole mice family living in there. She rolled out of bed and went into bathroom. She brushed her medium length red hair and pulled it back into a french braid. As her fingers weaved through her hair, she thought about the day ahead. Today was her first at the police department. She was so excited, but extremely nervous. Nicole wondered what she would do today. Hopefully it would be a little calmer so she could settle in. She wrapped the ponytail holder around the bottom of the braid. She quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth. Nicole grabbed her uniform off the top of her dresser where she had laid it the night before. She slid out of her pajamas and grabbed the the long-sleeve, uniform top. She slipped her arms into the arm holes and buttoned the shirt. She slid her legs into the uniform pants and buttoned them. After she had gotten dressed she walked out to the kitchen and opened the fridge. The contents were disappointing, so Nicole closed the fridge and grabbed an apple off the counter. Crunching into the honey crisp apple she slipped her tactical boots on and and walked out the door, making sure to lock it behind her.

She jogged out to her truck and climbed in. Nicole turned on the old truck and let the engine warm up for a second, before she backed out from her spot and started the drive to the police station. She passed by the buildings she had seen the day before. Pulling into a spot right outside the station, Nicole remembered the man she had almost backed into. She wondered if she would meet him today and her heart raced a bit with nerves and embarrassment. Hopefully he didn't remember.

Walking into the police station, Nicole made a mental list of all things she had learned in the police academy. Her hands were shaking a little bit as she knocked on Nedley's office door. He opened the door and smiled. His smile instantly calmed her nerves. "Hey there, Officer Haught!" He boomed. "Let's get you settled in on the first day." He motioned her to follow him to her desk outside his office. He then preceded to show her how to clock-in, work the radio, and fill out paperwork.

By the time noon rolled around, Nicole felt like she was getting a hang of everything. Sheriff Nedley was a great mentor and she was catching on to everything quickly. She felt proud of herself. Nedley glanced at his watch and stretched. He looked at her, "How about I get us lunch for your first day? There's an awesome diner just down the street that has the best burgers." Nicole smiled and nodded her head. "Okay, let me just grab the radio in case we're needed." As he went into his office, the door to the station opened up and the man she had seen yesterday walked in. He walked to Nedley's door, ignoring Nicole's existence.

"Sheriff. I need to talk to you...privately." He added after looking in Nicole's direction. The sheriff nodded, and the man shut the door behind him. Nicole couldn't hear what they were saying, just muffled voices. Then the door opened again. Both men came out.

"Nicole, this is Dolls. Purgatory's one and only detective." Nedley sounded sarcastic and Dolls rolled his eyes. He stretched out out his hand to shake Nicole's. She grabbed his hand and he gave it a firm shake.

"Nice to meet you...sir." She said, trying to sound confident. She looked at Dolls in the eyes, knowing that she needed to present herself as capable and strong. His mouth smiled a bit and he released her hand.

"Nedley was telling me you two are going to Maxine's. They have the best burgers in town. Anyways, I have to run. Important business." He nodded at Nedley and walked to the room beside the sheriff's. Nicole heard the door lock behind him and wondered what could possibly be in there. She glanced at the sheriff, and he sighed.

    "Dolls is the detective that was sent by the FBI to investigate the string of murders happening in Purgatory. We think it's a serial killer, but can't get enough clues to single in on a suspect. Well, let's head to Maxine's. We can talk more there." Nedley affirmed. Nicole felt a small pit in the middle of her stomach. There is a god damn serial killer in Purgatory. She thought. The one place I got a job? A serial killer? No suspects! Shit! Nicole was deep in thought while she followed Nedley out to his cruiser. She hopped in the passenger and they headed down to Maxine's Diner. Supposedly the best burger place in town.

    Maxine greeted them as they came in the diner. "Sheriff! I was hoping to see you today!" Nicole glanced at Nedley and a blush had crept up on his cheeks. Nicole smiled to herself. "And this must be the new hire!" Maxine sang out in a singsong voice. Maxine was short, just coming up to Nicole's shoulders. She had beautiful blonde hair pulled back into space buns. Wisps of curls fell along her face. She seemed to be about fifty, but her energy felt like a twenty year old. She had deep laugh lines on her face. She was wearing jeans and the diner's logo was displayed on the corner of her shirt. Nicole took notice of the bright pink keds on her feet.

    The sheriff and Nicole sat down at a table and Maxine brought Nicole a menu. "The usual?" She asked Nedley. The blush spread across his face again and he nodded. Maxine let out a giggle, and Nicole smiled. She quickly ordered the same as Nedley, which she came to find out was a cheeseburger with sweet potato fries and a cold glass of Dr. Pepper. As Nicole bit into her burger, the juices flowed into her mouth.

    "Hmmmm." She chewed.

    Nedley laughed. "Good, right? Now, about this afternoon. I think I want you out and about. Answering calls for help. Folks need to get to know your face, so that they know they can trust you. That's your assignment for all week, actually." Nedley smiled. "Next week we can get into the heavy labor. I will partner you with Dolls. I think you could be a real asset to the investigation. He will fill you in then as well." Nedley took a big bite of his burger and ketchup fell onto his chin. Maxine was there in a split second with a napkin, and Nicole knew she must have been watching the man from the counter.

    "Okay, sheriff. Calls for help this week, Dolls next. I've got that." Nicole said. They finished up their food and headed back to the station. Nicole jumped out of the car and tones buzzed on the radio. Dispatch came across requesting an officer for car troubles out on Holiday Road. She headed over to the cruiser that had been assigned to her and climbed in. She noticed all of the fancy gadgets she had learned how to use in police academy. Nicole felt calm in her vehicle, knowing that hundreds of hours had went into preparing her. The street came up on her maps, and she pulled out and headed towards the call for car troubles. An old country song played from the radio. "I keep a close watch on this heart of mine. I keep my eyes wide open all the time. I keep the ends out for the tie that binds. Because you're mine, I walk the line."

Author's Note: Eek! I need to write the next chapter ASAP!!!!! Nicole and Waverly are about to meet.....under what circumstances? You'll have to read to find out! Please comment and vote if you are enjoying this book. Sending love. :)

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