[02]: Suitors

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1813 Mayfair, London

It has been said that, of all bitches, dead or alive, a scribbling woman is the most canine. If that should be true, then this author would like to show you her teeth. My name is Lady Whistledown. You do not know me, and rest assured, you never shall. But be forewarned, dear reader, I certainly know you.

"You absolutely shined, dear sister," Delilah said to Sienna once they had all returned home. Sienna was changing into more comfortable clothing.

"I simply stood and minced in a pretty dress just as everyone else," Sienna said as she shook her head. Her maidservant was already helping her into a more casual dress.

"Not quite as everyone else, CeCe," Artemis spoke as she walked into the room. CeCe was a common nickname that the family had for Sienna. Delilah sat with the latest copy of Lady Whistledown in her hands.

"Someone should go check on the Featheringtons... that was anything but... what did the Queen call you again?" Delilah asked.

"Impeccable, or something of the sort," Sienna said as she was helped into her new dress. "Trust, I was astonished that Her Majesty offered me a most gracious remark out of 200 young ladies present."

"Yes, it was quite a distinction. Between you being called "impeccable" and Daphne Bridgerton being called "flawless," it seems 199 ladies have two common adversaries. I wish you luck, sister." Delilah said.

"Lilah!" Artemis exclaimed.

"What? It is true... I do know a bit about being the diamond of a season." Delilah said.

"Even though you two have decided to sit this season out, my success on the marriage mart could prove very successful for you. We all need to find love one day. Indeed, a love as pure as what Mama and Papa once shared. From the beginning, we have been told it's our only purpose in life." Sienna said as she rolled her eyes.

"No, sister... our purpose is to sire heirs. Whether it is to a husband that we love or not." Delilah said as she rolled her eyes.

"Well, I hope for successful love matches for all of us. Including our bloody idiot brothers." Sienna said, which made all the girls laugh.

"Be lucky Mama was not present to hear you say that," Artemis said. It was as if she had been summoned because Cordelia Reyes sped through the room.

"Girls, your dresses are here," Cordelia said. The three girls had bright smiles on their faces as they walked through the doorway from the dressing room and into the bedroom where their Mother was waiting for them, and Sienna eyed a beautiful cream-colored dress her mother was holding.

"This one is quite ravishing," Sienna said as she approached.

"Mary Edgecombe wore a similar shade the last season," Cordelia spoke.

"And secure three offers the next day, one from an earl," Artemis said.

"Mary Edgecombe, now The Countess of Fulton, apparently spent the last year living in a cottage hundreds of miles away from her earl. She is miserable... it says it all here." Delilah said as she held up the papers of Lady Whistledown that she was holding.

"Do not tell me that is yet another scandal sheet, Delilah...-" Cordelia started to say, but Delilah cut in.

"...-No, no, this one is different. This one lists subjects by name, in full," Delilah said, and Artemis walked over to her younger sister.

"Let me see." She said as she took the column from her sister's hand.

"Lady Whistledown..." Artemis said as Sienna stepped forward.

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