Part 15 "Landon."

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"You're... Baron Kirby, right?" She asks, recalling the list of names she had to memorize months ago. She hadn't matched all the faces to all the names yet.

"Yep, yes sir— Ma'am! Highness." Landon sputters, one of his shaky hands reaching out for a handshake before he puts it up to his forehead for a salute. Hope rises her eyebrow at him, a smirk finding its way onto her face. His gaze shifts to look at something behind her for a moment before he bows properly.

"If it pleases you your highness, you may call me Landon." He states, still in his bow.

"Landon." She repeats the name back to him, finding the name slips off her tongue easily. He looks up with a crooked grin, watching as Hope walks up to the top of the stairs.

"Enjoy the rest of your day, Landon." She says with one hand on the railing, chuckling softly to herself as she watches his entire face light up.

She pretends not to hear him do a little victorious shout on her way to her father's chambers, the smile on her face slipping away the closure she gets. Now that the interaction was over her whole body began to feel tired again, and her mind grew weary. She nods to the guards on duty but opens the double oak doors on her own, stumbling into the room on shakey legs. Everyone in the room looked over at her, some startedled and some with looks of disgust. Her father stood at his massive wooden desk in a robe, with a letter in his hands. Vardemus stood to his right, one hand in the air as if he were in the middle of a speech and the other leaning on the desk.

"Leave us." Klaus exclaims, eyes locked with his daughter's as they stand motionless a few feet away from each other. The lords and politicians leave quickly, some of them giving Hope a look of distrust as they pass.

Once they're alone, Klaus throws the letter onto his desk and storms over to the Princess.

"Magic." Is all he says. The word is spoken in a neutral way without an indication of anger. But his shoulders are tense, and Hope feels the room grow cold around her as she stands looking straight ahead.

"What do you want me to say." Hope replies calmly, but her heart is beating in her chest. "It was the advantage we needed in order to eliminate—"

"And did you?" Her father interrupts. His cold eyes look like they're trying to pierce the princesses skull as he walks around her. Hope takes in a deep breath and lets it out before she answers him.

"No." She answers. "But you know that already, you've read the battle report." She stiffens as he pauses behind her. "Your majesty."

"Being the Mikaelson heir does not protect you from consequences." He exclaims as he walks back over to his desk. "If you were any other commander I would have you stripped of your title."

"Yes sir." She replies.

"But if you ever employ the use of magic ever again, I will disown you."

She nods at him, head hung low as her mind races. He turns his back to her, picking up some papers on his desk to examine.  Usually this would be when she would make her exit, which would signal those waiting outside to enter once again. But her feet were planted to the ground, she had one question that she needed to ask.

"Father, the assassination attempt..."

"One casualty, the Saltzman girl is alright."

"Which one was it?"

"Elizabeth Saltzman, the blonde."

A momentary sigh of relief is met with guilt as Hope curses herself. How could she be thankful, even for a moment, that it was one twin over the other while there was still someone suffering. She would have to go visit Lizzie soon.

"There's been an increase in these attempts, Hope." Her father says softly. "I need you to focus on securing a marriage."

She walks over to his desk, placing a hand on his back. He wraps one arm around her and squeezes, they silently share a moment of comfort with one another, each of them cherishing the vulnerability they are not often allowed to express.

"You are no longer allowed to leave the castle, not until you are married."

Hope stiffens in his arms, biting her tongue to refrain from getting into further trouble. She nods and he dismisses her. Hope takes the long way back to her chambers, walking slowly down the hall with her head held low.

"Did your horse throw a shoe or something?" Penelope exclaims from the corner of the room as Hope enters.

"Or something." Hope snorts, unfazed by the raven haired girls presence. "I've been barred from leaving the castle."

"Until when?" Penelope gasped. "Why?"

"He found out about the magic."

Penelope walks over to Hope, wrapping her hands around the shorter girl's waist from behind and pulling her close. Hope closes her eyes and accepts the silent apology, leaning her head back to rest on her friends shoulder.

"I'm so tired." The princess whispers, tears begin to sting her eyes as she lets her walls down for the first time in a long time. They stand like that for awhile, with Penelope whispering sweet encouragement into Hope's ear.

"He said I cant leave until I'm married." Penelope lets go and Hope turns around to face her.

"Hope, my dearest friend." Penelope gets down on one knee and reaches out a hand to the auburn haired girl. "Will you marry me?"

The princess bursts out laughing, smacking at the witches outstretched hand, who responds by scoffing.

"Thou hast insulted mine honour with this mockery. You dare to laugh at my proposal?" Penelope shouts as she rises to her feet. "I'm serious."

Hope struggles to catch her breath, but manages to get ahold of herself enough to respond. "Then I reject your proposal, as I refuse to marry someone who snores."

Penelope clutches at her heart. "Thy tongue is as sharp as a sword, mine honour has been utterly destroyed."

"You know there is only one way to restore your honour." Hope slowly starts to walk backwards reaching for the pillows on her bed. Penelope watches her movement, smirking at what was to come.

"A fight to the death." She responds, catching the pillow that Hope throws to her and preparing herself for an attack.

A/n: I'm in the process of moving but I hope to write more chapters soon :)

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