Chapter 135: Under A Genjutsu

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"I'll show you power." She pointed at Sasuke. Her hair stood up pointing upwards and so did her chakra that was wrapped around her. Slowly the winds blew harsher and harsher circling around her lifting a bit of the sand  she stood on. 

"I'll show you strength." A wave of energy surged around her affecting nearby poles to bend and rocks to crack. The force of the wind and energy made the people around her tumble or fall to their knees.   

"I'll show you fear." Her voice voice sounded light yet dark then gave them shivers down their spine. Alluring yet cold.  Slowly she rose up her feet not touching the ground anymore. She continued to rise up in the air hovering meters above the ground. The sound of the of the winds blowing, the clouds darkening above them.

"I'll show you..." She paused. For a moment everything was silent the wind was blowing but calmer than earlier. "Death." Lighting struck somewhere nearby, flashes of light and sounds of clapping thunder, harsh winds resulting to raging waters slamming on the shore. The once calm and bright atmosphere changed in a matter of seconds. Like a storm appeared out of nowhere.

The ninjas looked up and scanned their surroundings  worried about the sudden change of weather. 
"Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto called out running next to the sanin.
"Right." The two disappeared to who knows where.
"Everyone! to the shore!" Jiraiya said ordering the ninjas. 

Choji, Neji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Akamaru and Lee finished their fight with  the sound four with Kimimaro but with them were sand ninjas Temari, Kankuro and their brother, Gaara the Kazakage. 

They watched as (y/n) hovered in the air, her arms outstretched sideways as she looked up to the skies. Her chakra that surrounded her flowed upwards like fire. Aizawa used his scarf and tugged (y/n) down. Yamato upon seeing this jumped in and yelp Aizawa by using his earth jutsu. Logs of wood emerged from the sand. They moved upwards towering over (y/n), it then landed on her torso, arms and forehead forcing to push her down and it worked well. Too well. She landed harshly on the sand. She thrashed  trying to pry herself out of their grip.
"(y/n) Snap out of it!" Aizawa yelled fishing for the seal in his pockets. 
"(y/n) Calm down!" Yamato said.
She growled and thrashed more causing Yamato, who was on her to struggle. Gaara raised his hand and the sand covered (y/n), Aizawa's scarf and Yamato's wood holding them firmly in place, except for her face. The sand tightened around around (y/n) holding her in place. 

"NO!" The girl said. Aizawa placed the paper on her forehead immediately she stopped struggling under their grip. Her eyes changed form red to their (E/c) colored ones. Her canine teeth disappearing so did the lines on her cheeks. Her vision blurred and her eyelids closed. The cloak disappearing in the process. Slowly Yamato moved away while Gaara moves his sand away.

Even though her body was burning, tired from fighting (y/n) forced herself to open her eyes and push herself up. "W-where's Sasuke?" She asked her tone clearly wanting to finish the unfinished business she left earlier.

"Naruto's fighting him." Kakashi started. "You should stay and rest for a bit" He placed a hand on (y/n)'s shoulders. 
"What about class 1A?" Kakashi looked at Aizawa who was standing behind (y/n). She followed her sensei's gaze.
"Aizawa sensei." Her eyes travelled behind him and say them there standing relatively far away from where Aizawa was. She turned to Kakashi. 
"They can't stay here." she said clearly worried for her friends. 
"Don't worry I'll have Shikmaru, Neji, Choji, Kiba and Lee escort them somewhere far from here where they'll be safe." Kakashi reassured her.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Jiraiya summoned the two frog couples and they immediately climbed on the old sage's shoulder while Orochimaru and Sasuke did their own Summoning Jutsu.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Jiraiya summoned the two frog couples and they immediately climbed on the old sage's shoulder while Orochimaru and Sasuke did their own Summoning Jutsu

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I AM HERE WITH YOU! BNHA x Female!NinjaReader Naruto Shippuden!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora