A murderous love story💔

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"So... how about you and me and a late night picnic near the train tracks?" My boyfriend, Jack, buzzes. I can hear his excitement through the phone.

"That sounds AMAZING BABE!!! I cant wait!!" I sing, already planning my outfit."

"Well I'll meet you there, alright? Does 7:30 sound good?"

"Sounds great to me!"

"Ok, i'll see you there Y/N! Bye!!"


I sigh as the call ends too soon, I could listen to his voice all day long. It's just SO HOT! Everything about him is so hot!! I could stare into those little rat eyes of his forever!! I wonder how he could love someone as ugly as me, my long blonde hair that flows in the wind, my bright blue eyes that shine in the sun, just everything about me is nothing to like. But he loves me anyways, ugh he's so hot😔

I look back at the outfit I picked out. Maybe I should switch out the skirt for skinny jeans, it could get cold if we stay out late. I nod and put the skirt away and take out my favorite pair of skinny jeans. PERFECT!!!

*30 minutes later*

I skip across the train tracks, making my way toward the spot Jack had picked out.

He isn't here yet, dang it.

I sit on the grass, pulling out my phone to pass time. I hear footsteps, and a wagon being pulled. It's Jack!!! I shoot up and run over to help him carry the wagon of things he brought.

"Wow, that's a lot of things!!" I giggle as I take the wagon from his hand.

"Yeah, I kinda brought a lot of food. We will be here a while" He smiles, his eyes glinting with excitement. He's just SOOO HOT!!

"You look really hot tonight" I say looking into his eyes, searching those beautiful blues.

"Thanks!" He replied. "I think so too."


I frown.

"Anyways, let's get this picnic party started!!!" He shouts as he starts carefully taking everything out of the wagon, setting the blanket down on the ground along with baskets of food.

"Do you know what the best thing to do is at this time of night?" He asks me.

"What?" I eagerly ask.

"Looking at graffiti on the trains as they pass! I mean, you can really see the messages if you get close enough" He explains, biting into a sandwich.

I take some grapes into my hand. "No way, that's awesome! Do you think any trains will pass by tonight?"

"Yes." He says, a bit too quickly. He clears his through before trying again. "I mean, probably, not like I checked or anything."

"You didn't!" I gasp.

His face grows pale. "Did what?" He awkwardly smiles, like I had caught him doing something wrong.

"You checked to see if there was a train coming so we could look at the graffiti together!!! Oh, you're so hot!"

He sighed in relief. "Yeah, you figured that one out quick!!!


Jack jumped up. "There's a train coming! We should go look!"

I nod and stand up to follow him. The train is coming fast, and Jack (hotly) grabs onto my shirt.

"Just to make sure you don't trip or anything." He smiles.

It's getting closer and closer every second, and the lights blind my eyes. And then, out of nowhere, Jacks grip on my shirt releases as he pushes me forward.

"YA BASIC!!" I hear him say, the last time I ever heard a human voice.



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