"It erupted a hive. On her face. It was the size of.... the size of...the size of mount kahija" he said finally, over exaggerating, and indicating to his face just to show how much damage the cat had done.

"I'm sure it was Eddie spaghetti," Richie said absentmindedly, still focused on stroking the lamb, "But you do know, this is a sheep," he look up and Eddie and shook his head, "Not a cat."

"It's a lamb."

"Okay it's a lamb... Now you tell me, how many wild lambs are you going to see in the forest, while you're lost on the way to get ice cream, with a kid you met four days ago on the way to school? If you don't stroke this lamb, I'm sure your grandkids won't have any interesting stories to listen to.... Well except for the ones about that kid who fucked your mom every so often"
Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Just saying...," Richie said in a singsong voice, playing with the lamb's fur, and the small animal nuzzling into Richie's touch, making the boy grin

"Whadya say Edo Spaghetti?"

"Oh shut up," Eddie muttered, coming forward to join Richie in stroking the lamb. He kneeled down onto the ground, "And Eddo Spaghetto? Really? Eddie spaghetti wasn't enough for you?"
"Well what's the singular of Eddie spaghetti? You guessed it, Eddo Spaghetto!" Richie grinned not waiting for an answer. "You know you love it Ed's,"

"Fuck you Richie."

"I know you wan-"

"Stop right there," Eddie cut Richie off, shoving the boy to the side, "I know what comes after that."

Richie simply laughed, straightening back up and moving to join Eddie in stroking the animal.
The smaller boy hesitated in touching the animal at first, but after Richie shoved his hand into the thick fur, which Eddie had glared at him for, it turned out he really liked it.

"Come on, that's not fair at all," Richie groaned, watching the lamb clamber into Eddie's arms,

 "Of course he likes you more, it's not like I was the one to stroke him first,"

"There's an obvious reasons as to why he likes me more,"

"And what's that?,"

"He wasn't the one to knock me down when he ran out of that bush," Eddie said smugly, and then turning to the lamb said, "Isn't the right?,"

"Baaaa," the lamb bleated in agreement causing both boys to laugh.

The lamb snuggled up against the Eddie's face lovingly, and gave his cheek a small lick, making him squeal and set off the laughing again. Eddie gently stroked the lambs head, and the small creature gave another quiet baa, that the small boy giggled at, and as Richie watched all of this play out, he couldn't help but think, right at the back of his mind, a subconscious thought, so he didn't even realize, that Eddie had one of the cutest laughs he had heard in a while.


A few minutes went by and the boys continued to play with the lamb, petting it and watching it nibble small pieces of grass. It was then that they heard something else, no, not more leaves rustling, it was a distant voice, or so Eddie thought, as he perked up suddenly to listen. Richie, on the other hand, was still stroking the lamb, talking to it in a high-pitched voice, as most people would do if they were talking to a small creature.

"Shut up will you," Eddie said, eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated on figuring out who that voice could be. It started off quite faint, but was quickly getting clearer and clearer, meaning that whoever it was, was getting closer and closer. 

"Richie," he whispered, grabbing the other boy's attention, who immediately looked up, "There's someone else here, what if it's henry bowers and his gang?"

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