Chapter 8 : The Fight

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Hayloft - Mother Mother
0:23 ━❍────── 2:32
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%


(Y/n)'s POV

King used a force field around all of us "King" I said and stood up "(Y/n) stop your injured" Howzer said reaching for me I walked over to the edge and jumped to king "King wake up" I said shaking him he slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me I hugged him "You scared the shit out so me" I said laughing "Not to break up this touching moment but I'm not done with you" Helbrum said pointing his sword at me I stood up "No" king said grabbing my arm I smiled flew up "Let's get this over with" I said and glared at him he smirked and mumbled something I gasped as the pain came back and I teleported somewhere "Long time no see" a voice said I tried to look at them but my vision was blurry and I couldn't move the person stepped on me I gasped and they dug there heal into my rib's "Please stop" I fake begged as I heard my rib's cracking they laughed like a maniac "Why would I stop when I could just end you here and now" the laughed out and bent closer to my face "You killed the love of my life so I'll kill you" the guy said "YOU AGAIN! Man F*ck you B*tch" I said and coughed up a bit of blood "you B*tch" He said and slapped me I coughed and wiped my nose standing up "Right back at you" I said laughing he yelled and ran at me I blinked he gasped and held her throat gasping for air in tears "I warned you" I said glaring at him I calmly walked away but he threw a knife at me i looked at him it hit me right in the abdomen I coughed "B*tch" I said and grabbed the knife throwing it at him, he rolled out of the way I fell to my knees and looked at my abdomen it was bleeding bad although it didn't hit and organs it barely cut threw the skin but the blade was cursed so it hurt worst I grunted and walked over to her stepping on her rib's she gasped for air and reached to me I snarled as his body went limp I sighed and grabbed my abdomen I started walking away but I ran into a ginger boy well more like he fell on me "Wtf" I yelled "Oh Sh*t are you ok" I said he was bleeding and looked up "crap" I yelled and used water to fling Hendrickson away "(Y/n) your ok!" Meli yelled I smiled and hugged him "This guy took Izzy right" I asked he nodded Meli knows I give people nicknames I turned to Hendrickson "Listen here F*ck*ss your going to give Elizabeth back or I'll kill you ok" I said with a dark aura and a kind smile he just stood up "Ok then the hard way" I said and grabbed my scythe and ran at him slicing repeatedly at him I cut him a few time I yelped as I got kicked into the wall and laughed loudly "That tickled" I said and ran at him we started fighting again I was kinda winning when I got struck with lightning I laughed and fell down laughing a bit harder "Is that all you got" I said laughing and flipped up seeing Meli fighting Hendrickson "So lil'Gil How's your life been treating you" I said clashing swords with him "It'll get better when you and the sin's are dead" he said and kicked me I gasped he ran to me and clashed sword's again "I am stronger then any of the Seven deadly sin's" he whispered to me I smirked "prove it" I said and we continued fighting until I felt a familiar person near by I glanced over and saw a cloaked person who I could tell was Merlin "Please stop this" Princess Margret screamed and fell of the tower I smirked and switched our places so she fell into Gilthunder and i fell off the tower I smiled and held my arms out closing my eyes and smiling again as i felt arms wrap around my waist and teleporting me, But before i did i threw a knife at big bug that was on the tower "Are you ok Princess Margret" I asked at i jumped down from the persons arms 'Thanks Merlin' I thought she hugged me "I'm fine it's nice to see you (Y/n)" she said I smiled and hugged her back, suddenly we got teleported to a ton of different places then we went back to the castle "welp Looks like we found the boar sin of gluttony Merlin" I said and smiled "it seem's you have" Merlin said and turned to the mage from earlier and used magic on her I walked to Merlin and hugged her "It's good to see you" I said she nodded and teleported to the king's room but we couldn't get in unless Merlin used her magic power absolute Cancel "Izzy!" I yelled and ran into the room "(Y/n)!" Elizabeth yelled and ran to me I hugged her "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" I said and hugged her tightly "What do you mean you saved me" she said looking at me "I got teleported away and couldn't protect you not saying that you need protecting" I said rubbing my neck she giggled and patted my shoulder "it's fine" She said smiling I looked at the door and glared "Dreyfus" I said and gripped my scythe handle Gillthunder started talking to him I rolled my eyes 'This guy almost killed me' I thought in the end Dreyfus just wanted to be a good father "Griamore is still alive" I said walking closer to him "he was told to guard the remains of Princess Veronica he's definitely still there" I said he started crying and yelled he got arrested "(Y/n)" the king said looking at me I froze "Yes sir" I said slowly looking at him "Your in big trouble" he said glaring at me I shrunk in my place "I know" I said nodding he nodded back and coughed up blood "Sir" I said and helped him stand Merlin took him to her lab to treat him Izzy agreed The ginger from before asked Meli to got to Camelot he said sure if he ever had time Merlin left and we all talked until the castle fell I screamed as I fell to the ground "Yeah save the princess I'm fine" I said scarcely and rubbed my back I looked around but didn't see anyone "Hello" I yelled walking around "Guy's where are you" I yelled running around I couldn't find anyone though suddenly I felt myself get sleepy and pass out

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