10: Drama Llamas

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A week later, I was sitting on a plastic chair that was positioned in a circle. There were about thirty other people sitting in this circle, practically without conversation. Two girls were giggling quietly with each other, but the rest were just staring awkwardly at the other people. Some of them had smug expressions on their faces, and the newbies, like me, looked scared. It was drama class and I had no clue what was going to happen. Sure, I had taken acting classes, but this was somehow different. These were people that I should've known, yet had been too scared to.

Our teacher wasn't in the classroom yet, so I had no clue what to do. The only reason that we knew we needed to sit in a circle of chairs, was because it was written on the whiteboard at the front of the room. Right beside the instructions on the board were big letters that read, "MRS. SINGS." I figured that was our drama teacher, and based on her last name, she seemed kind of cool.

The two people next to me seemed just as awkward as myself. They kept repositioning themselves on their chairs, which caused them to continuously brush their knees against my leg. I groaned, suddenly realizing that this was going to be a long class.

Although I was really nervous, a part of me was excited. It was the part that was sending adrenaline through my bloodstream, and lighting my skin with sparks. It was the side of me that could get lost in acting a different character, or singing a song.

All my thoughts were washed away and replaced with utter terror when our teacher came in. She was very quiet when she came in. In fact, I barely saw her come in at all. She sneaked up behind someone's chair and grabbed their shoulders, yelling, "BOO!" The girl screamed to the point that I swear she would have permanent vocal damage. Some of the drama veteran's snickered, but most of the kids were just as scared as the girl was, including me.

Our teacher, whom I presumed was Mrs. Sings, said, "I got you so good. If you are stupid and couldn't tell by now, today, we are going to learn about emotions!" She sounded kind of funny. Her makeup was a mess, and she was super dramatic. I figured it was just an act, as she was our drama teacher.

Overall, I believe that it is safe to say that she was really confusing. I wasn't sure if she was being serious, or just trying to make us laugh. And laugh, we did. She was the funniest teacher I had ever had, and even though she could be a bit weird and cocky, she was a bundle of fun.

We played a bunch of acting games for the most of the hour and a half. The first bit of the class was actually really awkward. Take all these kids that have a low enough life to do drama and put them together, forcing them to interact with each other, and that is what it was like. Nothing unexpected there.

Some of the games we played were really stupid. There was one, however, that I loved a lot and found myself enjoying way too much. It was called "Speed Dating". All you had to do was pretend that you were on a date with your partner without laughing at anything. I found out that I was alright at it, until my brain started to wander. Because this school was very traditional, all the pairings were all straight. I found this ironic because, according to stereotypes, all male people in drama are said to be gay. Anytime a girl said something relatively flirty, I would crack up laughing. It wasn't their fault; I just found it to be the funniest thing ever.

During the games and activities, I met a lot of people. There was Grace Helbig, who couldn't see that she was actually a good actress and wouldn't accept a compliment. She continued to say what a failure she was to humanity and all that shit.

I also met Dan and Phil. They were, by far, way more awkward than me. Considering I had been excluding people from my life for the past five years, I found this amusingly impressing. They claimed that they only reason they were taking that class was because Dan needed the credits to pass, and whatever class Dan took, Phil went alongside. Literally, they were my dream relationship in an actual embodied version.

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