Chapter 3: Our Worst Fears

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Everyone was gathered in the lab with the broken robot Ultron used, "All our work

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Everyone was gathered in the lab with the broken robot Ultron used, "All our work. Gone. Ultron cleared out the internet as an escape." Banner tells them.

Millie rubs the back of her neck as she was dress in a T-shirt, skinny jeans and boots. "Ultron." Steve mumbles as he rubs Millie's back, "He's been in everything, files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us then we know about each other." Natasha states, "He's in your files, he's in your internet. What of he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rodney asks them. "Nuclear codes." Hill said as Millie sighs and buries her face into her hands, hunch over. "Look we need to make some calls, something we still can." Rodney tells them, "Nukes. He said he wanted us dead." Natasha tells him.

Millie shook her head, "He didn't say dead. He said extinct." she tells him, pulling her face from her hands. "He also said he kill somebody." Barton throws in, "There wasn't anyone else in the building." Hill tells him then Tony walks to the center. "Yeah there was." he said, flicks his key pad and pulls up a projector of Jarvis, now in ruins. Millie gasp softly covering her mouth. Banner walks up to it, "Wow. This is insane." he tells him, Tony walks to the side. "Jarvis was our fist line of defense." Steve states.

"He would of shut Ultron down, it makes sense." Tony states, "No. Ultron could of simulated Jarvis, this isn't strategy. This is... rage." Banner tells him, then Thor walks into the lab.

Tony turns around and Thor grips his throat. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Banner said to him as the projector was gone. "It's going around." Barton starts as Millie stood her feet, looking at them, "Come buddy, use your words." Tony tells him. "Oh I have more than words to describe with you, Stark." Thor said to him as Tony was griping on his wrist. But Millie steps in front of him, placing her hand on his chest, "Thor, the legionnaire." Millie said to him, and Thor places Tony on his feet. "The trail went cold about hundred miles out, but it's headed North and it has the specter." Thor informs them and Millie looks at Steve as he sighs. "Now we have retrieve it, again." Thor adds in, "Genie out of that bottle. Clear and present is to Ultron." Natasha informs him. "I don't understand. You build is program." Cho asks Tony who was facing a computer, "Why is it trying to kill us?" she asks him and then he started to laugh.

Then everyone looks at him, "You think this is funny?" Thor questions, taking a step to him, but Millie steps in Thor path as she held her hand out, stopping him. Tony turns to him, "No. it's probably not, right." Tony asks around. "Is this really terrible, it is so... it is. It's so terrible." Tony states as he looks back at Thor, "This could have been avoided if you haven't played with something you don't understand." Thor starts.

Then Millie places her hand on Thor's chest, stopping him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, it is funny, it's a hoot that you don't get why we need this." Tiny snaps and Millie places her other hand on his chest, keeping them away from each other. "Tony this may not be the time for..." Banner starts as he try to stop Tony.

But the Billionaire turns to him, "Really? That's it? You just roll over and show your belly every time somebody snarl?" Tony questions as Millie pulls her hand away and gently push Thor away, "Only when I created a murder bot." Banner answers him. "We didn't we weren't even close. Were we even close to an ensure fact?" Tony asks him.

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