❁ Real Eyes Realise Real Lies ❁

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"Our names?" Sereyah repeated, with Kevin looking at them suspiciously.

Before he had said yes... for the longest ever time and the slowest ever way.

Now Serayah and Solana had to think of boys' names because they hadn't done so beforehand.

The quicker they had talked to DeVante then the better because if Katari had been left upstairs for too long then she might have thought that they didn't care about them.

And that wasn't true... so they didn't want that.

"Can we just go through the register or something and tick off our names?" Solana suggested wisely.

"Why? You should already know your names. Just tell me them and I can tick them off."

They had to think of some common names.

Very common names... but pretty ones too because Serayah and Solana had nice names hopefully.

Serayah had eventually said Carlos.

Kevin checked to see if there was a Carlos on the list that hadn't been ticked off before.

"Carlos Santiarez?"

Serayah didn't reply for a while because she didn't actually think there was a Carlos.

She nodded.

Kevin had ticked her fake name off, before asking Solana the same question.

She couldn't think of a nice but common name.

For some reason she said Rico because the last country her and Jordan Francis went to for their honeymoon was Puerto Rico.

Kevin had looked for the name but it wasn't there.

"Unless you meant Ricky? Ricky Jimenez?"

She nodded.

Kevin had left, because he needed to verify it was actually them by checking their ID cards.

The girls didn't even realise that that was needed to get in here, but it was sensical.

"Waaaait, whatcha mean you need identification?" Serayah hollered.

"To check that you guys are actually who you say you are," Kevin explained. "We don't want any girls in here in disguise. And same for them. You didn't think you could just get in straight away did you?"

Yes, they did.

Of course this was too good to be true.

Hence why Serayah had said that this whole thing was a seriously abysmal idea.

Now the girls had to think about why Kevin couldn't have checked for their Identification.

Solana had one.

They had looked terrible in the pictures.

I Need A Girl. D SWING (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang