Broken Hearts

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Akaashi stepped back further, next to the campfire, looking down at the floor. 

"Bokuto.." He began in a quiet voice. 


Bokuto barely more than whispered it, but it was the harsh tone that made Akaashi snap his head up. 

"Please..." He begged, falling to his knees.


The group stood in stunned silence. Bokuto turned away from Akaashi, tears forming in his eyes, he walked towards the tree line. He paused at the edge of the clearing, wiping the tears away and turned.

"Leave and never return."

Bokuto turned away then and disappeared into the trees. Akaashi collapsed forward onto the floor, his head pressed into the dirt.

"But I..I love you." Akaashi whispered.

Oikawa and Iwa approached Akaashi. Iwa knelt down beside him.

"How have you survived this long without human blood?" Iwa said. 

"Animals." Akaashi said, his voice cracking. 

Iwa sat back and pulled Akaashi up to his knees. 

"Have you ever had human blood?" 


"I thought so." Iwa said. 

"I feel like I'm missing something." Oikawa said, crouching down next to the duo.

"I'd heard of a vampire before the Great War, that only ever lived on animal blood."

"I take it that's rare?" Oikawa said. 

"Yes, and by rare I mean, Akaashi is the only one I've ever heard of for as long as I've been a vampire. I don't know how you've done it."

"I don't want to be a monster." Akaashi cried. "I'll.. I'll do what he asked. Pl-please just keep him safe for me." 

Akaashi looked at Iwa, as tears poured down his face. 

"Wait, let me go and talk to him." Oikawa said, standing up. 


Oikawa walked over to the tree line where Bokuto had disappeared. He yelled Bokuto's name repeated, getting no response. Kageyama, Hinata and Kuroo came to join him, the searched for an hour before Kageyama found him.

"He's here!" Kageyama called out.

"Give us a minute guys." Oikawa said. 

Kageyama, Hinata and Kuroo fell back to give the other two space. Bokuto was kneeling on the floor, on his hands and knees, like he had walked as far as he could go before collapsing. Oikawa crouched down on the ground and ran his hand across Bokuto's back.

"It's okay." Oikawa said softly.

"None of this is okay. He lied to me." Bokuto replied. 

Bokuto sat back on his lower legs, tear marks etched down his face. Oikawa didn't know how to respond. He swallowed and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. 

"Did he ever explicitly tell you he was human, or that he wasn't a vampire?" Oikawa said.

"That isn't the point, Oikawa and you know that!" Bokuto yelled. "He misled me intentionally. I really thought he cared about me and he betrayed me. I wish I'd never met him! I can't wait to find this garden place and hopefully get out of this place."

Bokuto picked up a stone before him and threw it hard across the forest. He repeated the action again, and again, then flopped his head down forwards into his hands and screamed. 

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