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KMS Frederich der Große
0800 Hours
Day 82

It was over. The Siren forces that had been laying siege to the Azur Lane Base had been completely wiped out with the loss of their leader and the Yamato class's arrival. Now you had to deal with another threat.

"Say again, Vestal?"

"I'm telling you to go to the medical bay and rest." The repair ship insisted. "You've been abducted, suffering effects of electrocution from an EMP grenade and sleep deprivation."

"You can't-"

"Commander, to quote that show you present to us, when it comes to the health of everyone, including you, I outrank everyone."

"Fine, Kix." You relented. "Now how will you explain that to the others?"

Vestal hesitated. Then she replied "By explaining to them that you have no restrictions to visiting hours or house confinement."

You turned to the senior ships present.

"Where's the captains quarters?"

"This way, my child." Frederich motioned you and Vestal to follow her.

"Alright. Enty, Amagi. I need you to take command for bit more during doctors orders."

"Understood." Enterprise nodded.

"Actually, I shall accompany you as per Akagi's concerns." Amagi replied with a gesture to Vestal.

Frederich guided you to where the captain's room would be on this prototype battleship. Vestal insisted you sit down on the bed. She proceeded to look you over, checking pulse, most of the body and examining your eyes with a light.

"I recommend a few days rest." She prescribed. "You'll recover from your burns and cramps from spasms but you should rest up now that the blockade is gone."

"Understood. How are the other ships?"

"Minimal injuries, but nothing serious as usual." She answered. "If you'll excuse me, I need to see to others. I imagine Akagi sees that as a viable alternative."

Before she left, Vestal glared at you for her last words.

"Don't scare us like that again, Commander, or I'll come for you myself."

"I won't make a promise that I have no guarantee of keeping." You declared. Vestal gave an audible "Hmph!" and closed the door.

"She's right, my child." Frederich said before she pulled you into a hug. "I'd speak about how worried I was, but poor Eugen outdid me."

"You should have seen my sister." Amagi interjected. "That look in her eyes sent chills into even I. Not to mention what it spurred her to do just now."

"Look, I'm sorry for scaring everyone." You started to say before the door opened again.


A tight embrace and the sudden envelopment of fluffy tails indicated Akagi had arrived.

"I'm happy to see you too, Akagi."

"Akagi's only sad I could not finish off that bitch." She said.

"You're welcome."

Akagi released her hold on you so you could see who had followed her and were standing outside. It was the three Yamato sisters. Three more nine tailed kitsunes. Forty five fluffy tails in one place. Truly the dream of many men.

"It's been a long time, Yamato." Akagi said in neutral greeting.

"That it has. I see you've found someone else to fawn over." Yamato remarked. "Though per Lady Nagato, we are indeed in Shikikan's debt for bringing Lady Amagi back to us."

"Impressive Commander." (Azur Lane x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now