Only when I'm alone on a journey and wandering through the wilderness at night, would it then show me the way."

Yu Hao thought, what the fuck, seems like Chen Yekai's a little more amazing.

"Drink." Chen Yekai snapped out of his daze, and everyone made a toast.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy and silent. Situ Ye knocked on a glass with chopsticks, "Let's sing?"

Yu Hao said, "Okay!"

"Wait!" Ou Qihang said, "Let's see what they'll sing on the countdown party first!"

Ou Qihang picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. There were quite a few popular songs in it this year. As soon as the party started, everyone could watch it and while their time away singing along like lunatics. Not long after, Yu Hao gathered up the dishes, and Ou Qihang helped him wash them. Zhou Sheng cut up some fruit, which he took out for everyone to eat. He sat down to watch the party with Situ Ye, while Lin Ze and Chen Yekai took the unfinished wine to the bookshelf in front of the huge landing windows, where they sat on a soft sofa to chat.

"I thought you would bring your boyfriend over." Yu Hao said to Ou Qihang.

Ou Qihang was wearing Zhou Sheng's apron as he washed dishes obediently. He looked at Yu Hao and smiled.

"I don't have one." Ou Qihang said, "And didn't hook up with anyone either."

Yu Hao said, "You're not dating anyone?"

Ou Qihang said, "One of my juniors likes me, I'm still considering. I don't really feel anything."

Yu Hao said, "Respond to him if you like him, but if you don't like him, then reject him seriously."

Ou Qihang wiped the plates and said seriously, "Like how you rejected me at the start?"

Yu Hao smiled, "Yes."

Ou Qihang looked into the distance, "Has Uncle Kai had a really unforgettable love before?"

Yu Hao said, "You should ask him yourself, I don't know." He was suddenly a little curious, "Why do you call him 'Uncle Kai' now? Did you guys meet in Beijing?"

Ou Qihang said, "Yeah, but he would only come out once in awhile when I went to find him. He has never taken the initiative to come find me."

Yu Hao immediately thought that there was something strange. Chen Yekai was rather difficult to invite out. He would prefer reading at home alone in his spare time and wouldn't talk on the phone if it was something that could be said through WeChat texts, and if it was something that could be said through the phone, he wouldn't meet up in person. Basically, after he arrived at the college here, only Yu Hao could invite him out. No one else had been able to call Chen Yekai out.

He kind of wanted to ask Ou Qihang if he was interested in Chen Yekai, but he also felt embarrassed about it.

"You want to ask if I like him." Ou Qihang said, "But you're afraid that I'd feel embarrassed?"

Yu Hao, "......"

Yu Hao finished washing the chopsticks and handed them to Ou Qihang. Ou Qihang wiped them dry and said, "Embarrassment is good. Embarrassment is a kind of feeling that completely divides one's self from the rest of the world. A person's most embarrassing moment represents the instant when he is completely separated from his surroundings. At that time, he would most strongly feel the sense of his existence. I don't mind that emotion in the slightest."

Yu Hao said, "You must have been learning too much about computers, you're practically like an AI."

Ou Qihang laughed, "A little ba."

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