❝ Sorry not sorry but I don't take stuff from toxic people, thanks. ❞

The goofball was too highly complacent in himself that he forgot that he's a foul player himself.

Why would a perfect rich kid like Jay receive breakfast from them when his home had already served him? Leaving the brats who were caught off guard, Jongseong just cooly stepped away from their 'toxic' energy cause he felt like puking at their presence.

❝ Don't listen to those assholes, they're not differing from trash. ❞

Jay, as nearly as a ghost popped out of the blue in front of Mijin who's internally shocked by his appearance.

' He's stalking me? What the heck? '

This couldn't be such pure coincidences since the library wasn't that much of a thrilling place for playboys like him to stroll around.

All Mijin asked was to live in peace when she's traumatized on her own than anyone else and this was what she got in return.....

Deciding to neglect the annoying guy, Mijin just stayed in her world as if a hot dude wasn't right by her side.

It'd be such a hard task for Mijin to ignore when it's the wholesome Park Jongseong who's beside her-or so Jay thought, proudly of himself.

The sad truth was that Mijin never concluded him as a special person for her to be with.

But what her curious mind's invested at was that he also knows about her terrible reputation which was never good in the first place.

Wouldn't he also get bad-mouthed for sticking like glue to notorious people like her?

It seemed like she's also gonna get blamed as a whore for sticking next to a popular playboy like him. But Mijin won't hesitate to fight back any bitches who dares to hurt her first.

Moving a few meters from the boy, the bookworm just contemplated on her reading session which was already messed up by Park Jay as of now.

The currently single pringle didn't give up so easily to fetch the hard-to-get girl as he seated even closer next to her.

' I swear to god, this dude's so bothersome. '

Rolling her boba eyes a bit, the triggered girl was quite annoyed by his childish behaviours meanwhile the young male just snickered at her??

Jay cheered to himself in success internally for completely annoying the female as he knew 75% of him was already dominating Mijin's mind by now.

❝ Na Mijin, I know that you're not mute. Can you speak up any words at least? ❞ Jay's pouty lips were irritatingly requesting as if he's trying to play the role of an innocent softball. Mijin's tolerance was starting to run out as she knew that she wouldn't be able to escape this annoying dude just by ignoring him.

What on earth did he eat to be this stubborn?

' What do you want from me? '

Mijin wrote on her small sketchbook which she didn't use anymore meanwhile Jay was caught off guard since she's behaving like a mute person towards him.

Leaving that aside, the cheeky playboy returned reckless words which even failed to make her lifeless heart skip a beat.

❝ I don't want anything from you, I just want you. ❞

What a bold guy he was indeed.

Mijin couldn't understand why spoiled kids like him could murmur up things that their hearts didn't even desire to say.

Mijin shaking her head in disappointment, just left him like that as there were no reasons for her to stay longer at the annoying place.

' Filthy richass. '

Scoffing in dissatisfaction, Mijin was low-key offended by his easy-going tone with its serious words which others would care so much to even spit out.

❝ Na Mijin, wait up! ❞

What did Mijin do to deserve a ruthless playboy courting her so annoyingly?

She loathed it so much as if her body was gonna combust with the fury that she couldn't take it anymore.

She hated to receive unreal love from some random guy who just chased her for her surreal looks.

Halting her steps, the girl didn't bluntly turn around as Jay just had to come across her to face her ethereal face which looked like a barbie's visuals.

❝ I just want you to be my girlfriend, is it too much to ask for? ❞ Jongseong's panting the whole time as he spoke his sincere will.

Becoming a playboy's toy was never a part of Mijin's intention, and it'll never be.

The intimidating look appeared on her beautiful face again as she just gave the male a cold shoulder as she could care less about his looks and money, simply unlike his any other fangirls would.

Mijin didn't tend to go harsh but her words weren't honey-like when she's in a bad mood.

So, the sarcastic youngster didn't hesitate with slipping out the discourteous words to shame the famous heartthrob.

❝ Fuck off. ❞

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