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Flor's POV

"Flor wake up!" I heard someone yell from the other side of my bedroom door.

I groaned, getting one of my pillows and throwing it towards the door. "Fuck off! I want to sleep."

"You left me no choice." They sighed before bursting the door open.

"What the fu-" I started but got cut off by someone jumping on the other side of the bed.

I looked up, confused, to see George laying down next to me.

He looked at me with a smile, "Good morning."

"Good morning," I continued. "Is this how you wake everyone up?"

He laughed. "No! You just didn't wake up, I had no choice."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah whatever. Let me get ready."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "For what?"

"What do you mean for what?" I tried mocking his accent. "Let me get ready!"

"No! Come on, let's have a lazy day." He smiled.

I sighed. "I guess so," I continued. "Only if we get to watch movies with snacks."

He nodded in agreement. "Deal."

I stood up and stretched. "I'm so tired." I yawned.

"Let me make breakfast then." George insisted, walking up to the door.

"You're the guest, it's only fair if I make breakfast." I shook my head, moving him out the way and walking to the kitchen.

"Please?" He begged, putting his hands in a begging motion.

I rolled my eyes. "You're going to make us peas and a burn sausage." I laughed.

His cheeks went slightly red. "You saw that?"

"Of course I did." I said with a laugh.

We stared at each other a couple of seconds before I spoke up.

"Uh, you can make breakfast. I'll put something on the TV." I awkwardly said before walking over to the TV and putting iCarly on. He quietly agreed before making breakfast.

It was about 20 minutes of George making food and me watching TV in the living room.

"Breakfast is ready!" George called from behind me. I looked back to see him align over with two plates of food.

He handed me over one of the plates. "For you. Let me get the drinks." He smiled, putting his dish down and going over to get us the drinks.

I looked down at the plate to see a small stack of pancakes with some strawberries and grapes to the side.

"George this looks amazing!" I looked back at him.

"Well my mom taught me how to make pancakes so I thought you'd like them." He said while handing me a cup of chocolate milk.

"Well I'm sure they're amazing." I said before taking a bite. My eyes widened, these were delicious. "George! They're amazing!"

He shyly smiled. "You think so? I thought you'd say they were horrible."

"Why would I say that? These are the best pancakes I've ever had."

"Thank you Flor." He smiled.

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Flor <3 | Florencebw
stream with special guest in five minutes!!

Karl :) | KarlJacobs
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