Better together..

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A few weeks later
Heiko got out of bed. As he stood up he started feeling very dizzy and sick. He walked to the toilet and threw up. His head started spinning even more, and he felt like he could pass out any moment. He took a deep breath and tried to focus on one point in the room. The spinning didn't go away.. he knew what this meant, it was time to go to the hospital again.

He tried to make the spinning in his head less, he looked around him trying to focus on certain objects. He saw the mirror, the shampoo bottles, toothbrush, towels needly folded and sorted by color. He tried to stand up from the ground, but his head was spinning too much. He thought to himself, I need to call Richi. But he had left his phone at the bed. He had no choice, he had to get up. He pulled himself up, feeling the nausea getting worse. He stumbled towards the bed and laid himself down. Trying to focus on the sealing. He looked at the lamp above the bed. As the nausea had gotten less, he took his phone and called Richi. Voicemail.. 'Ofcours' thought Heiko to himself. He said Richi had to call him back. He closed his eyes. He thought about the option to call Till, but he figured that wouldn't be the best thing to do now. He focused on his breathing for a while.

Some minutes later
Heiko opened his eyes. He heard the door of his room open. He looked at the door. It was Richi standing there with a worried facial expression. "Are you okay?" He heard Richi ask. As Heiko wanted to answer he felt the nausea return. He took a deep breath trying not to throw up. Richi apparently had noticed it already and walked off to get a bucket. He came back and sat down next to Heiko on the bed. Handing him the bucket. As he returned he was on the phone. Heiko took the bucket and listened to the conversation Richi had. He could hear he was speaking with the hospital. As Richi was on the phone, he gently held a hand on Heiko his upper leg, stroking it gently which gave Heiko a calming feeling.

As Richi hung up the phone, he said: "12:00.." heiko looked up at him, nodding his head slowly. Richi signed Heiko to move a bit forward in the bed. He took off his shoes and sad behind Heiko in the bed, then gently guiding him to lay back against his chest. He put his arms around Heiko. Heiko closed his eyes while he took Richi his arm and held it.

Richi gently stroked trough his hair with one hand. He said: "you will be okay.." Heiko didn't respond. But Richi could tell he had heard. After some time Heiko said: "I haven't had it this bad in a long time.." Richi mumbled: "I know.. try to stay calm.. it's probably nothing." Heiko turned over to his side, still laying against Richi his chest. Richi could feel his shoulder pressing in his stomach, but he let it be. Heiko fell asleep.

At 11:00 Richi carefully got out of the bed, laying Heiko back down for a while. He put his shoes back on. He grabbed some easy clothing for heiko. Some sweatpants and a hoodie. He moved the blankets, waking Heiko up. "Keep laying down, I help you." Said Richi. As he put the pants on Heiko. Then he put on the hoodie. Heiko gave him a little smile. "Keep laying down." Said Richi because Heiko wanted to sit up. Heiko did what Richi said. Richi then put some socks and shoes on Heiko. "I feel helpless" said Heiko. Richi looked at him. "You are now. I don't want to clean up your puke." Heiko smiled.

"Where are your passport and medical card?" Asked Richi. Heiko pointed to some jeans that were laying on a chair. Richi searched the pockets and found them. "Ready?" "Yes"

Richi carried Heiko off the bed, walking outside the bedroom, towards the front door. Nila now happily came walking after them. "No nila. You stay here!" Nila didn't listen and walked outside the house after them. Richi rolled his eyes. Trying to push her back inside the house. Nila didn't listen to him. "Stupid..." said Richi with annoyance. "You have to wait here for a few seconds said Richi. As he put Heiko down on the ground. Heiko laughed. Richi then grabbed Nila by her collar and dragged her back inside. Making Nila growl at him. He quickly closed the door. Heiko tried not to laugh but had a silly smile on his face. "Not funny.." said Richi as he picked Heiko up again. Walking down the stairs towards the car parking. At the car he put Heiko in the front seat. Handing him a puke bag. "Are you going to drive this ridiculous?" Asked Heiko. Richi gave him an angry look, and closed the door. Then he got in on the other side.

He drove to the hospital. When they arrived there he put on a mask and gave Heiko a bandana, since he refused to wear masks. Heiko put the bandana over his mouth. They tot assigned to a room, Richi put Heiko on the bed. A nurse came in to take a Covid test. Otherwise Heiko couldn't get treatment. The nurse then quickly left. Heiko rolled his eyes. He had taken off the bandana now and wore it around his neck. Richi held Heiko his hand. "You don't have to stay if you have other plans.." "I know. But I stay here till you get your treatment." Heiko nodded.

Some minutes passed and then a nurse came back: "the test is negative, so we can get you treated" heiko gave a very sarcastic "yeah".. richi laughed. "Asshole." The nurse laughed. "I will put an IV on you" she said: Heiko nodded and said: "I know how it goes.." Richi gave Heiko a kiss on his head and said: "I will pick you up when you are ready." Heiko smiled. Then Richi left the room. It didn't have much purpose for Richi to stay there, since Heiko would be sleeping most of the time.

Heiko got is treatment. After it he had to stay till the nausea had settled. He got some food from the hospital and talked some to friends. He send a picture of the hospital food, saying: "so tasty..." the friends commented about the hospital pudding and that the chocolate one is horrible. Then one friend asked him what was on the table. Heiko asked confused what she meant. "The thing where the egg is standing in." Heiko confusingly said; "an egg holder?" Apparently she had never heard of an egg holder before, made him laugh. He then put away his phone and ate some. After an hour he felt better and called Richi to pick him up. Richi said he was on his way.

Heiko was wearing a mask he got in the hospital since that was obligated. So now he didn't really need to wear the bandana. As he took it off his neck, he wanted to put it in his pocket, then he felt his wallet and remembered he had something inside his wallet.. he opened it up and saw 2 rings. He had been carrying it with him because he was waiting for a right moment to give it to richi. He took the one meant for richi, and looked at it. He thought to himself, this feels like the best time to give it to him.. he took the ring and put it on the bandana, and then folded it, so the ring wasn't visible. He put his own ring back in the wallet, and put it in his pocket. He then added the banana in his pocket as well.

After a few minutes, Richi appeared in the door. Heiko got out of bed, and seated himself in the wheelchair that Richi brought. "You don't want to carry me anymore?" "No.. you got heavy." Heiko laughed. When they arrived at the car, heiko seated himself in the front seat. Richi went to bring back the wheelchair. Heiko now got the bandana out of his pocket again. As richi came back and had sat down in the driver seat, he looked at heiko.
"What are you doing?"
Heiko smiled. "I brought you something.." giving richi his bandana.
"I don't want your snot. "
Heiko laughed, "it's not snot.."
"I don't want the hospital pudding either.."
"It's not! Just look at it.."

Richi rolled his eyes and took the bandana. "If it is something gross, I will never bring you here again. Then you can crawl here.." Heiko laughed. "It's nothing gross." Richi unfolded the bandana.

He saw a silver ring, with beautiful details in it. "Will you stay with me some longer.." asked Heiko. Richi looked at him, giving him a little smile. "You are such an idiot." He gave Heiko a kiss. "Ofcours I want to stay some longer with you.." he took the ring from the bandana and put it on his left ring finger. Heiko smiled. "Where is yours then?" Heiko took his ring out of his wallet and put it on his left ring finger. "They are beautiful.." said Richi. "I known you don't want to get married anymore.. a promise ring is enough for me.." Richi smiled. "So you can be nice.. sometimes.." he kissed heiko again. Then drove them back home.

Dear diary..
Today I found the right moment to give Richi the promise ring. I am so happy! He found it cute.. today has been a rough day, but this made it all better for me. I am so thankful for him, that he is here for me at any moment.. I can't imagine how I could live without him..

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