To the Waters and the Wild

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The image above is how Josephine's eyes look when she uses her powers.

"Hey kid! C'mon you're going to be late!" Saul Silva yelled as her waited impatiently at the end of the stairs, waiting for a certain teenager to come down.

"Hurry up Josephine!" Yelled the blonde boy standing next to Saul, both males waiting for the green eyed girl to come down.

"Calm down! For god's sake there's two more hours left!" The girl said as she walked down the stairs, "besides I know my way around I don't need a tour" she mumbled as she pushed through the two men, going to the kitchen.

"Jo, hurry the hell up, I can't be late for my first day" Sky hurried the girl who rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"Oh please, like you have friends, you only have that little shit Riven, and your annoying possessive ex, if I were you I would just stay here and die" the girl said, Sky made a move to smack her head but Saul grabbed his hand with a glare.

"Don't hit women Sky, and Josie please stop annoying Sky" the older man said, the girl groaned.

"Who took my sandwich?" She asked as she looked through the fridge, Sky backed slowly as Saul chuckled. The girl slowly stood up straight and glared at Sky, "you stupid rat!" She exclaimed as she ran after the boy was running away from the now angered fairy.


"Ok so you have your schedule, you know your way around....." Saul said as he looked at the girl in front of him, the headmistress staring at him weirdly, "what am I missing...?" Her asked himself quietly.

"I don't know maybe the fact that I will be completely ok without your help?" Josephine stated, Dowling hid a smile as she shook her head.

"Fine, I just want to make sure you are completely ready for this," the girl nodded with a genuine smile and hugged her father, "god you are growing so much" the man said as he hugged the girl tightly.

"Dad you'll see me almost everyday, calm down, besides I have Terra and Sky, I'll be fine" said the green eyed girl.

"Aright, off you go, love you kiddo" Saul said with a smile.

"Love you too, dad" she said as she walked away, a smile found its way onto Saul's face when she called him dad, something that hr had always loved.

"She will be fine Saul, she has her friend and her brother a call away, just trust" Farah said as she patted his back, "nw come one, we have to talk about the incident in the laboratory" the two walked away with one last glance at the girl who walked around with a coffee in one hand and her phone in the other.


The girl walked around the courtyard, on her way to the fairy hall, not looking where she was going until she collided with another person, her coffee spilling on the as the person held themselves from the neck of Josephine, as Josephine held the Fromm their waist.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going, and now you have a stain on your shirt, damn it I am so sorry" Josephine rambled as she looked at the red headed girl in front of her. Her hair fell softly onto her shoulders, her eyes were as blue as the sky, and her smile brighter than the sun, "and now I'm rambling" the taller girl said, the red headed giggled.

"It's fine, besides the stain isn't even that noticeable, most of you coffee fell on the floor so no worries..." the girl said with a smile, Josephine sighed in relief, "I'm Bloom" she said as she extended her arm with a smile.

"I'm Josephine, but my friends call me Josie or Jo" Josephine said with a smile as she shook the girl's hand. "Are you a fairy?" She asked.

"Yes I'm a fairy" the blue eyed girl said while chuckling, Josie looked at her with furrowed brows, "sorry I just never thought I'd say that, sounds silly to be honest" Josie chuckled.

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