Ch 124 - Dinner Party

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Zhou Laichun, "You......"

Zhou Sheng continued, "I even helped you kneel and lick the asses of all those officials, ran around each shop coaxing the store managers to work, sorted out the manpower required for the general manager office's project, kept watch over all the employees on the floor to see if anyone wanted to rebel and set up a huge banner on their own on some other mountaintop, I did all the work for you that I was both supposed to and not supposed to......"

"Alright! I'll pay you your wages for the past three months." Zhou Laichun said, "Do you only have those miniscule tens of thousands of dollars in your eyes?"

Zhou Sheng said, "That's the money I earned with my blood, sweat, and tears! Since you promoted me to the manager of a department, you'll also need to give me base salary and a commission ba. What about my year-end bonus? How do we calculate that?"

Zhou Laichun said, "I'll pay you the wages of a senior assistant for the past three months, okay? From next January onwards, you'll pay yourself your own wages. Aren't you the one in charge of budgeting?! It was sent over the day before yesterday, finance has approved it, and I signed it yesterday! It'll be approved tomorrow morning. If you really want money, don't pay the team their wages. I won't say anything even if you take it all for yourself."

Zhou Sheng, "Well, I don't need to go that far. I'm not like you who docks your employees' wages for a living."

Zhou Laichun, "......"

Zhou Laichun drank his tea, and the more he thought about it, the more unreasonable it seemed. "Are you seriously discussing a monthly wage with me?"

"It's only right and proper to be paid for my work!" Zhou Sheng was baffled, "What's wrong with demanding remuneration for the legal toil I've done?"

Zhou Laichun couldn't do anything with Zhou Sheng at all now. He had already proven his capabilities. In fact, aside from him, Zhou Laichun really couldn't find anyone else who was suitable to nurture.

Comparing Zhou Sheng to that bunch of deputies who all had their own ulterior motives, who was as open and upright as him, or as vibrant and energetic as him? Even though he wasn't well acquainted with business affairs, that could be slowly trained. But he wouldn't be able to find another such dazzling talent throughout the whole company.

Zhou Laichun would sometimes feel that it was such a great pity that his son was gay. Isn't it good enough to just be bros? Why did he have to poke the other guy's ass?!

If his son wasn't gay with Yu Hao, Zhou Laichun had it all planned out —— get Yu Hao to be his assistant and be little director Zhou's general assistant. One was firm while the other was soft, Yu Hao could suppress Zhou Sheng's temper, and he was someone who could be taken out to meet other people. Properly assist Zhou Sheng in the takeover, accumulate experience until they were about 30 or so years old, then who in the company would be a match for these two kids?

Yu Hao really wasn't too bad — he was a fine-looking boy and a wolf in sheep's clothing, and he was even able to grow together with Zhou Sheng while their personalities complemented one another. In a few years, he would have another chess piece in hand, introduce a suitable girl to him for marriage......yet he turned out to be so ambitious and scheming! 7 percent! Does that beggar really understand the concept of 7 percent? Someone must be teaching him behind the scenes! He had really underestimated that hooligan son of a bitch!

When the car arrived at its destination, Zhou Laichun secretly cursed the Yu Hao who had ruined his well-conceived plans as he brought Zhou Sheng out of the car.

"Why are you wearing sports shoes?" Zhou Laichun just realized.

"I like them." Zhou Sheng answered, then walked straight ahead. Zhou Laichun saw the shoes on his son's feet and thought they seemed a little familiar.

Seizing Dreams [B1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora