Ch 95.1 - Report

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"How could I take a key to your office?"

But Chen Yekai said, "Keep it ba. After the last incident, Liang Laoshi would occasionally be a little forgetful and sometimes lock herself out of the office. So there needs to be a spare key."

Thus Yu Hao accepted it.

Zhou Sheng sat on a pile of books and asked, "How is it?"

Yu Hao knew that Zhou Sheng was a little nervous. Although he had often said that he didn't care, the Golden Crow Wheel was so closely connected to him that it was impossible for him to not care at all. Sometimes, Yu Hao would remember the first time he saw the magnificent Golden Crow Wheel in his dream. Zhou Sheng took him there to accept the baptism of its flares. At that time, the Golden Crow Wheel had imbued Yu Hao's spirit with strength.

Zhou Sheng had said that those flares were all fragmented information, and it was just like language or reading a book — after learning it, you wouldn't use it systematically, but when you encounter a particular situation, the information would spontaneously surface in your mind.

Later on, although the Golden Crow Wheel was handed over to someone else, Yu Hao has always felt that the information had been imprinted into his mind.

"It has been appraised in three respective institutes ." Chen Yekai said, "But the relevant information was sent to a lot of places. I didn't tell anyone about the dreamscapes, please rest assured."

Their takeout arrived. Chen Yekai had ordered three sets, and he distributed them to Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao. Yu Hao thought, this one box of rice should cost about 100 ba......Yu Hao snapped his chopsticks apart as he prepared to eat, but Zhou Sheng remained silent as he held his own lunchbox while he waited for Chen Yekai to continue.

"The respective places that received the information were private offices under the National Museum, Institute of Culture and STA." Chen Yekai said, "STA is a scientific institution, and their scope of research covers nanotechnology and electronic communications."

He shifted the swivel chair as he spoke, opened a drawer, and took out a small box. He carefully opened the password lock, then took out an envelope from the box and handed it to Zhou Sheng.

Yu Hao's heart immediately leapt into his throat as he looked at the envelope. Chen Yekai gestured to indicate that there were grains at the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Sheng opened the envelope. There were several printed materials in it, as well as the Golden Crow Wheel that seemed untouched.

"The National Museum thought I was kidding and had brought them a handicraft for fun." Chen Yekai said helplessly, "I asked for a carbon-14 isotope calibration. The curator and several experts said it wasn't necessary, that with just one glance at this handicraft, they could tell that it was a mass produced type. The marks of machine processing are very obvious on it, and they even searched up many pictures for comparison."

Yu Hao, "......"

"I guessed as much." Zhou Sheng said, "I thought you'd go to the cultural relic identification centers."

"Those institutions are basically involved with collectors." Chen Yekai waved his hand, "There's no need."

"The appraisal given by the Institute of Culture was similar to that of the National Museum." Chen Yekai continued, "They think it's a handicraft, and they can't appraise it. But the deputy director is someone who likes to talk about everything under the sun, so he ended up talking to me for a long time. During which, we talked about some unpublished content on the ruins relic of the 24-bridge in Chengdu.

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao both knew that Chen Yekai wouldn't casually mention irrelevant information, so there might be clues in that.

"In short, in their excavation of new archaeological sites, they discovered a new way of offering sacrifices related to the Golden Crow Wheel, which was expressed through several bronze statues. There were two priests; one of them had his arms in front of him......" As he spoke, Chen Yekai crossed his hands together and made it seem like he was holding something.

"I've seen that before." Zhou Sheng said, "Sanxingdui's bronze grasper."

"It held two elephant tusks in its hands." Chen Yekai nodded, "It appeared in the 24-Bridge ruins too. Also worth mentioning is that there was another bronze priest carrying something flat......" As he spoke, he made a gesture as if he was carrying a plate, "And in front of it was another bronze man who was kneeling down on one knee with his eyes closed......let's demonstrate it for a bit?"

As he spoke, Chen Yekai knelt down on one knee and said, "The height of the bronze statue was different......"

Zhou Sheng bent down slightly and lifted his hands up like he was carrying a plate. Yu Hao wore a bewildered expression on his face, and after a short moment, he put down his lunch and stood at one side as he emulated the first bronze man's action.

Yu Hao, "Like this?"

"Chen Laoshi!" Xue Long pushed the door and entered, and was immediately dumbstruck.

Xue Long, "......"

Chen Yekai cast a sidelong glance at him as he knelt down on one knee.

Yu Hao, "......"

Zhou Sheng, "......"

Chen Yekai, "......"

The three of them quickly returned to normal. Xue Long looked as if he had just seen three lunatics. It took him a long time to snap out of his stupor. " my class had a male student......who was......scolded by you."

Chen Yekai said, "Yes."

Xue Long said, "He said that he was helping his girlfriend take a picture of the lesson plan on the whiteboard and forgot to turn off the flash."

Xue Long had come to apologize on behalf of the male student. After explaining in a naggy manner for half a day, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng both thought, if he wants to apologize then come by himself ah, why get the counsellor to come over? It should be enough by now. In the end, Chen Yekai nodded and said, "Okay, I got it. Xue Laoshi, thanks for coming." It was practically a direct eviction order.

Xue Long's expression didn't look too good. He had knocked into a soft nail again, but he couldn't afford to provoke Chen Yekai, so he could only leave.

"Let's continue." Chen Yekai said as if nothing had happened, "What do you guys think they were doing?"

"I don't know what they were doing." Zhou Sheng's mouth twitched, "But Xue Long must think that the three of us are lunatics ba. That guy's seriously annoying, he always makes people so fucking uncomfortable."

Chen Yekai said, "His thoughts aren't important, and he's not important either. He won't occupy any important position in your lives; at most he will be equivalent to the disposable chopsticks people drop on the ground after using them in the canteen. If you're in a good mood, you'll pick it up and throw it away, but if you don't want to bend over, you'll wait for the cleaning aunts to sweep them away. It's foolish to waste time discussing him......let's get back to business, Yu Hao, what do you think?"

Yu Hao, I think that you can also be quite lethal at times."

Although Chen Yekai has never cursed out anyone before, his demeanor that gave the impression that he despised everything was even more harmful than swear words. From the very beginning, he had regarded Xue Long as a cockroach crawling through a stack of books. He was someone who could be casually shooed away and swept into the trash can without anyone even knowing his name, and Chen Yekai would not tolerate even the slightest resistance from him.

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