tubbos dead L

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tbfh i hate this chapter cuz i wrote parts of it at like 12 to 13 different times, and not to mention my keyboard glitched so bad writing this so almost every word was either missing letters or had extra and i had to hand edit every single word and was too exhausted to reread and make sure i got all of em it but ig you guys will have to live with it, hope u enjoy it tho :D

TW ~ Hospitals, Mentions Of Death and Murder

Author's POV:

The second Tommy heard the flat and long beep coming from the hospital room that he was sat next to, he immediately pushed off of Dream and stood up.

He didn't want to believe it.

But it never stopped.

The ringing plastered itself into Tommy's brain, and with a brief breath, he ran. 

He heard Dream calling out his name, but he didn't stop, nor have any idea where he was going. 

He found himself outside the castle, of course, people stared at him.

He felt around for his compass, his sword, or something, but out of sudden shock, he realized he didn't have anything.

He bowed his head down and stared at the ground, continuing to sprint as he avoided the gazes of demons. He could hear Dream yelling for him, though he ignored it.

Once he got past the crowd of demons, he slowed down his pace. Relying solely on his vague memory, he stumbled across Hell, tripping multiple times at the uneven flooring.

He eventually found himself in a mass of familiar blue trees, alone with him and his thoughts. This part of Hell was cold.

He didn't have his cape though.

He hugged his arms trying to keep some warmth. The only thing he had on him was his communication stone.

"Stupid rock" he muttered, before leaning against a tree. There was a pool of water next to the tree, which was odd. He'd never seen a natural water source in Hell for a long time.

He sank down the tree, sitting down and running his fingers through the water.

Tommy peered into the small pond in the midst of the blue trees. He stared at his reflection with disgust. Tommy's eyes caught onto the crown that sat atop his head and grimaced.

He removed the crown off his head and stared at it. 

"I'm not a prince," he muttered, before a wave of anger took over him.

"I'm not a fucking prince!" he shouted, throwing his crown across the land. It hit the ground hard, and Tommy was sure he heard it crack.

But he didn't care.

Pulling his knees to his chest, back against the tree, he hugged them and quietly cried. He let out a whisper, as if he was justifying why he destroyed his crown. 

"I'm not a prince, I'm a murderer."


"So... Tubbo's dead, that's an L for you."

Is what Karl would have said if Wilbur and Phil weren't absolutely terrifying when upset. 

Karl had stayed back, confidently might I add. He prepared what he was gonna say, how he was going to explain, how he was going to make this okay, assure them that Tubbo would be fine, and everything is happily ever after.

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