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Selene's POV

I was in the Kalos region to participate in the Kalos Pokémon League. I was on my way to the Cyllage City Gym. I heard it was a rock type gym so I was preparing my partners. "Ok guys, since Lycanroc is a rock type we can be ready to face whatever the gym leader throws at us!" All my Pokémon made noises of agreement. Lycanroc activated it's red eyes and go ready to battle. "Ok, first up is Espurr." Espurr ran out in front of Lycanroc ready to battle. "Lycanroc use accelerock and Espurr use energy ball!" Lycanroc came towards Espurr, but Espurr jumped in the air and created a green ball and shot it at Lycanroc. Lycanroc avoided the attack and landed by me. 

"Well done you two. I know we'll clear this gym for sure!" My Pokémon swarmed me with hugs and licks. They're my family! Zeraora was my first partner. We found each other when I was really little. Lycanroc, was a Rockruff that was about to be put on the black market because she's a shiny Pokémon. Zeraora and I were able to save her and she joined our family. Salamence was still and Bagon when I found him. He had gotton stuck in a cave so my partners and I saved him and he joined my team. Zeraora, Lycanroc and Salamence have been with me through all of my journeys. We won the Kanto League, Johto League, Hoenn League, Sinnoh League, and Unova League. I couldn't have better friends or partners. The reason I'm doing all this is because I want to fulfill my dad's dream of having a Pokémon League in Alola. 

I heard a growl coming from Eevee's stomach. I giggled, "You must be hungry huh?" Eevee nodded and hopped into my arms and licked my face. "Ok you silly thing. Let's get lunch set up." I grabbed a blanket and set it by me. Lycanroc and Listen grabbed the blanket and spread it on the soft grass. Salamence and Eevee started a little fire in a dry area nearby. Espurr and Zeraora helped me cook. Lycanroc all of a sudden started to growl. "Whats wrong Lycanroc?" She pointed her snout towards some bushes. They were moving! I waved for Espurr and I could tell she what move she wanted me to have her do. Her eyes lit blue and used psychic and 4 trainers and a Pikachu and Dedenne were now in the air. "Oh, I'm sorry. Espurr put them on the ground!" Espurr put the trainers and their Pokemon on the ground. The black haired boy spoke first, "We're sorry. We saw your Pokémon and wanted to see them." Ah that makes sense. Zeraora is considered a mythical Pokémon and Lycanroc is a dusk form so they're both really rare. 

"It's ok. I just thought someone was spying on us." The honey-blonde girl spoke next. "Your Pokémon are so cute can I see them?" The small blonde haired girl nodded in agreement. "Of course. Just be careful, they're nervous around strangers." To prove my point, Zeraora, Lycanroc, and Eevee were hiding behind Salamence, Litten and Espurr. The Pikachu, and Dedenne slowly went over towards them and talked to them. I walked over to my partners and told them, "It's ok guys. Im right here and these trainers seem nice." Zeraora, Lycanroc and Eevee agreed, but were still hesitant. "It's ok, we won't hurt you. We want to be your friends." The black haired boy said. Zeraora, Lycanroc and Eevee came out and started too sniff the trainers. "We never introduce ourselves, my name is Ash and this is my partner Pikachu." The honey blonde haired girl was next, "I'm Serena, hi." The small blonde girl was next, "I'm Bonnie, this is Dedenne. And this is my big brother Clemont." The taller blonde bowed. 

"It's nice to meet all of you. Alola!" Ash, Serena, Bonnie, Clemont, Pikachu and Dedenne looked confused. "Haha. Sorry, in Alola we say Alola as a greeting." My new friends nodded their heads in understanding. "What's your name?" Bonnie asked. "My names Selene, and these are my partners. Zeraora, Lycanroc, Salamence, Litten, Espurr and Eevee." Bonnie's eyes lit up at my Pokémon. "Can I pet them please?" I nodded my head at Bonnie's excitement. She ran towards Espurr and Eevee and started petting them. "Hey, do you have any Kalos Pokémon?" The 3 trainers nodded and my eyes lit up like stars. "Can I see them please?" "Of course, you showed up your Pokémon, its only fair we show you ours." (Serene doesn't have a crush on Ash).  Ash let out a Froakie and Fletchling. Serena let out a Fennekin and Clemont let out a Bunnelby. "Awesome. A Froakie, Fletchling, Fennekin and a Bunnelby! I've never seen a Froakie and Fennekin up close like this before." I patted Froakie's head and petted Fennekin's smooth fur. "Do you have Fletchling and Bunnelby in Alola, Selene?" Bonnie asks. I nod my head and see that Pikachu and Zeraora are playing with each other. "Wow. Pikachu and Zeraora are friends already." I smile at Ash's comment. "Hey, we were just about to have a snack, want to join us?" The four trainers nod their heads. I grab a picnic blanket from my bag and set it down. 

Alola Kalos(Ash x Oc)Temporarily DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now