When Saving is Wrong

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The icy blue liquid shone from the test tube. This must be it. I clasp my hands around the test tube and yank it out of the foam padding. Into my pocket it goes to avoid the cameras.

"Dr. Ahmad, how are you doing?" The medical assistant waved his hand, and I waved back.

"Well, John. Today's just the usual. Sampling blood for studies never gets boring to me." I flash a smile at this rather suspicious looking colleague of mine and push the test tube further into her pocket for good measure. "John, we've been working together for a while. Don't call me Dr. Ahmad anymore, just call me Sally."

I need to get away now. If they catch me, I don't think I can get the sample to the woman in time.

"Uh, sure, Dr. Ahmad. Is uh everything okay?"

"Everything is okay-er than it's been in a while John. Keep bringing those test tubes. I have important business to tend to." I walk as fast as I can without looking like I'm trying to sprint the heck out of this place.

The test tube starts to heat up in my pocket and suddenly, oh no. Another colleague.

"Dr. Ahmad! How are you? Long time no see." Dr. Mercedes hits my arm and throws her arms around me in a hug. "Whoa, what's that warm thing in your pocket?" Dr. Mercedes touches her fingers. "It isn't just warm. It's blazing hot! Good thing I moved away when I did it feels like it could've burned me." Dr. Mercedes backs away, and Oh God I have to get this thing out of my pocket. I throw my medical jacket off and the test tube flies onto the floor and catches on fire. Dr. Mercedes throws a bucket of water on the fire and tries to retrieve what is left of the blue test tube.

"Dr. Ahmad! The blue test tube was in your pocket? That's a violation of the law here at Medical Associates. I don't want to do this to you, but I have to pull the alarm for the guards, or else they'll take my license. " Dr. Mercedes puts her hands on her hips as she pulls the alarm. The remnants of the test tube are lodged in her pocket.

Crap! I tie my laces and make a run for it. My hijab whips against the wind I'm creating by sprinting. The sirens are blaring everywhere, and loud voices are playing over the intercom: Dr. Ahmad must be stopped at once. All guards be on duty and arrest her at once.

Why did I agree to be part of this medical practice again? I think it was because I wanted to help people, but somewhere down the line, this place forgot what helping people even means.

The guards are on to me. They're only about a foot away from me at this point. They push me to the ground with their army boots. "OW" I scream.

"Be quiet, young lady. You know you can't tamper with or try to take the blue test tube, and yet, it was in your pocket." The tall guard dug his foot deeper into my back and I think I felt something crack. I pushed the button on my shirt to transform. I pushed the guard to the end of the room with my two hands.

"How did she do that?" The tall guard got back up on his feet and started to run toward me.

"Not so easy now, is it, guard man?" I need to find Dr. Mercedes and get that test tube!

I run as fast as I can to Dr. Mercedes's office. The door is locked. I pull out my button and stick it on the door. I push it till it turns green and the door swings open.

Dr. Mercedes is sitting at her desk. She eyes me with a gun in her hand.

"Pull any silly stuff and I'll shoot." Dr. Mercedes moves her hand toward my head.

"I'm not pulling any silly stuff." I need to stun her now. "You'll just be going to sleep for a little bit." I push the button and throw it onto her face. She falls asleep and the gun falls to the floor. I grab the test tube from her pocket.

The guards storm in, but they miss me. I push the button and I'm in her room. I lock the doors with the button.

"I don't have much time." I pat her hair and can't help but notice the gaping wounds on her heels. I pour the blue liquid on them. The wounds disappear.

"Thank you, Dr. Ahmad. Maybe now I can walk properly." Her voice cackles and she waves her hand.

"Maybe you can, Katherine. I have to go now." I push the button and I'm back underground. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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