Chapter 2

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"Taehyung requested you?!"
Dahyun shouted so loudly that Sana had to turn down the volume on her phone. The two of them were having a facetime call and Sana was explaining yesterday's event to her.

"Yes, and then I walked past him and I just," Sana stopped mid sentence, trying to find the right words.

"Got scared?" she guessed while raising her eyebrow. "Realised how much you hate him?... Or how much you still love him?" she then said with a teasing smile.

"I miss him," Sana sighed and dropped down on the sofa. "He was wearing the shirt I designed for Chanel's summer collection."

"What? Aww, that's so sweet," Dahyun gushed, jealous over her friend's alleged love life. "He's still keeping up with your launches. Well, obviously, since he requested you to design their stage outfits," she then stated as a matter of fact.

"Yeah," Sana smiled sadly, looking down at her lap.

"Why don't you try again, Sana?" she then heard Dahyun ask her. "I mean. You still love him, right?"

She looked up at the phone screen with a small frown on her face. "He was just wearing my shirt," she began. "That doesn't mean he wants me back or anything. Besides, if we got back together we would have to keep a long distance relationship again and you know we both can't handle that."

"Yeah, that's the reason you two broke up, right?" Dahyun sympathized with her elder friend.

Sana remembered the night she broke up with Taehyung. It was, of course, over facetime since she was in Japan while he had schedules overseas in the US. For the whole day she had been thinking a lot about him, her, and them. They had been dating for a total of three years whereas the first two were great. They met up multiple times a week and the award shows and music shows always gave them chances to be with each other. But when she moved to Japan it all changed.

The first few months went on well. Regular facetimes and texts where they updated each other on what happened in their daily lives or just talked about random things. When there was time, he would take the plane to Osaka or she would take the plane to Seoul. However, as time went by their daily check ups turned to every other day and to once a week. Soon enough, Sana had to check Weverse, Instagram, Twitter, even Facebook, if she wanted to know what Taehyung was up to.

She couldn't handle it anymore and told him honestly how she felt that night. She told him that she couldn't keep on having a long distance relationship and that it was probably the best if they just focused on their careers at the moment. He didn't agree with her and told her that they just needed to wait until their schedules were cleared. If they really loved each other then they would wait for each other and not give up.

And that's what she did. She gave up.

She told him she couldn't do it and that it was over between them. He had hung up on her abruptly and that was the last time he spoke to her. They had, however, been texting once or twice just to congratulate each other. Like when she had congratulated him for his grammy award, he had congratulated her when she had her first fashion show in Tokyo.

"Sana? Sana? Are you listening to me?"

"Hmm?" she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the phone screen, seeing Dahyun snap her fingers at her. "Sorry, what?"

"I was telling you that me and the girls will come by to Tokyo when you're there. You said you had a day off there, right?"

Sana's face immediately lit up at Dahyun's question and she nodded her head. "Yeah, on Thursday."

You Look Good In My Shirt | TaesanaWhere stories live. Discover now