Koujaku x reader

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Small pants leave your mouth,your hands soaked with blood.The people that once we're your friends dead in the cold red snow.

You couldn't believe what just happened, it was all a mistake.You didn't mean to kill them, they just made the monster to come out and here they are dead.

Still in shock you fell to your knees and your intire body began to shake."No, No, No..."You began to sob, hair falling to your face and covering it.

"(Y/N)!.... (Y/N)!........ (Y/N)?" It was Koujaku your best friend who happened to be close by when the accident happened. You began to cry more,you didn't want him to see the monster you had begun.

"(Y/N)"Koujaku whisperd, in an instant you felt warm arms wrap around your body."K-K-Koujaku...I..I...t-they are de-dead" you started to cry even more as sobs left your mouth"(Y/N)...its okay...its okay"he whispered in your ear, rubbing your back.Only Koujaku knew how the pain felt, he knew everything about you and you knew everything about him.

"I-I-I'm a m-monster Koujaku"you sobed"No your not (Y/N)" he wiped the tears that fell from your eyes"Its not your fault...they weren't that good of friends you know"He gently smiled. You smiled a little, he was right after all they weren't that good "I guess"you said.

"Its going to be okay...ill help you control it"He picked you up bridal style"C'mon, you need to rest" "Koujaku" "Hmm?"he responded "Thank you...I love you" you snuggled against his warm chest "I love you too"He whispered and smiled seeing that you fell asleep.

(Happy Valentine's day, kinda late haha :3 I hope you like this one, thanks for so much reads!*explodes* blah love youuuuuuuuuuuu so much!)

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