"A-" I hummed, scolding myself for not being able to get the entire word out immediately. I bit down on my cheek, forcing the coppery taste from my flesh before glaring down at my lap. My voice sounded weak and raspy... as if I hadn't had water in years.

"You don't have to-"

I shook my head, insinuating that I was done. My face was burning, and my fingertips had gone white after digging them into the palm of my hand as roughly as I could manage. Which... wasn't exactly much.

Suddenly the door clicked open.

My head snapped towards the sound, my neck popping and causing me to seethe in pain as I stared back at the person trying to close the door as softly as they could manage. There were earbuds in his ears, a hood pulled up over his head and a black backpack hanging loosely off one shoulder. In his free hand, he was holding some brown paper bag.

As soon as he turned and his eyes met mine, they went wide.


"I'll leave you two alone. Asami-" All Might nudged a little white remote onto my lap, insinuating that if I needed him that I just had to push some little red button. He smiled, ruffling my hair before turning to make his way for the door.

He passed Bakugo, whose eyes were still wide and gripping the paper bag and backpack strap so roughly that little explosions were starting to go off around his hands. All Might stopped beside him, leaning down before whispering something to him.

Bakugo straightened out, readjusting his backpack before making his way to stand beside the bed and I listened as All Might left, closing the door behind him.

Bakugo stared at me, his lip beginning to quiver before he dropped his backpack onto the floor. He threw the little brown bag at the end of my bed, ripping his earbuds from his ears by the cord before he choked up. A small little cry from his throat as he began sobbing and jumped onto the bed, wrapping his arms around my torso.

It burned, causing my eyes to go wide and the breath to knock from my lungs. My skin ached with every movement he took. He was shaking, his body silently racking with sobs as he buried his face into my shoulder.

"Deku..." He sobbed. "He said he couldn't feel you. You- you son of a bitch! You told me goodbye! You ever tell me goodbye again and I'll... I'll kill you, dammit! You hear me?!" He was angry now, his throat burning and his words full of spit and resentment. He looked up, causing our eyes to catch as I was met with a reddened and puffy-eyed blondie. He didn't look like himself... seemingly so much older.

"I'll kill you," He sobbed once more, taking a shaky breath and wiping his tears off on my shoulder before wrapping his arms under my armpits, digging his fingernails into the tops of my shoulders as he forced me as close to him as he could manage. "You told me at the sports festival that when you have people, you do things for them. If this" -he leaned back, gesturing to my battered body- "Is things!? Then you damn bastard- I don't want anything!"

He sat up, sharply rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hand before quickly shaking his head, as if shaking off the fact he had just cried. He ran his hands through his hair, exhaling a huge breath before groaning and slamming his fist down onto the bed. He huffed, side-eyeing me in a glare before sniffling and scoffing at me. "You haven't said anything. You tried to tell me goodbye like you were dying and then throw me through the air and you don't even have the decency to say hello? What are you? Fucking mute or some shit? Say something, dammit!"

I stared back at him- unable to even signal anything to him that I hadn't been able to speak yet. I wanted to reach out, grab his hands, and trace out the words. But I was afraid of his hands going off in anger.

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