"I couldn't care less that you're disappointed in me! I'm not trying to make you proud, I'm trying to tell my fans that I'm sorry but there's another human being that depends on me! For fuck's sake Wilson, do something useful for once!" Luke yelled. Rebecca jumped in her seat and Luke hesitated to end his call but his eyes showed guilt and remorse. He didn't intend to scare her, Rebecca knew that. It was a bit scary to see him lose his temper like that. Luke hated that part about him and Rebecca might've just given him a reason to hate it more.

"I'll leave tonight," Luke muttered into the phone, "I'm aware the promotions are still happening. Tell the boys I'm sorry, but I'll text and let them know myself anyway. Goodbye Wilson."

Rebecca looked at Luke as he shut his laptop and put his phone away. He took a bite from his toast and shoved a forkful of eggs in his mouth, chewing vigorously. Then, Luke sighed at the sight of Rebecca. Still, she was afraid.

"Becc," Luke said softly.
"It's okay," she waved off.
"Not okay. I am not okay."
"What's wrong?"
"My temper. I shouldn't have let it slip. I'm sorry."
"Luke it's okay, I understand."
"You know I'd never hurt you, right?"
"Good. Give me a kiss you loser."

Rebecca smiled and cupped Luke's face in her palms. She felt his slight stubble from late nights and early mornings and kissed his lips so softly and warmly. Rebecca felt right with him, but why didn't she want to marry him? What was she afraid of? Why could she have been so sure about marrying Noah but once it came to Luke, she didn't know? Why didn't she know? How could she find out?

"You're thinking too hard," Luke said to Rebecca, snapping her out of her thoughts.
"I know," Rebecca sulked.
"Let's have a fun day today. No thinking... just... Have you ever been to the Paddington Markets?"
"The what?"

Luke smiled. "Perfect."
"What?" Rebecca asked.
"Just remember that I love you and if you want to get married, I'll be here."

Rebecca chuckled. "Luke, I'm so confused."
"Yeah, well me too."

* * * * *

The Paddington Markets was only open on Saturdays at ten in the morning. Rebecca assumed it was open every Saturday and there were heaps of cool things to buy. There were art pieces, vintage looking jewellery, lots of different clothing, some cool gadgets, a heap of candles and perfumes, hair accessories, bags, little sculptures. It was like an artist's dream and Rebecca itched to paint the scene. Living in Sydney her whole life, she had never actually been to the Paddington Markets and she felt a little deprived to not know this place had existed at all.

"Cool right?" Luke said, readjusting their fingers that were intertwined with each others. Some people had asked for photos, usually young teenage girls and Rebecca had offered each time to take it. Each time, the girl said yes but Luke's face told her no.

"Beyond," Rebecca chuckled, kissing Luke's bare shoulder. He had been wearing one of his t-shirts with the sleeves too long so he rolled them up. This one's sleeves were rolled so high that the tip of his shoulder was visible.

"Indie used to take me here. She was in love with artwork; abstract things, bright things. I would never let her hang the stuff in the house or burn the goat-milk scented candles. Like, some of this stuff is really weird," Luke said.
"Aw darn, I was really looking forward to some goat-milk candles during my next bath," Rebecca laughed. She leaned her temple on Luke's shoulder as they walked through the crowded marketplace.

Unfortunately, some paparazzi had found them and were snatching photos right during the daylight. Even though the two of them were supposed to be used to it, it annoyed the both of them. Rebecca kept trying to calm Luke down every time a flash disturbed him. He always wanted to ask them to leave but he was still angry from the morning conversation and he was also upset with his proposal not being accepted. The last thing Rebecca wanted was Luke getting mad at someone for doing their job.

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