2nd book My Vampire X-Boyfriend chapt. 15

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 Chapter fifteen

                        Tessa's P.O.V.

                        I grabbed the ipod Vincent had bought for me, and headed up to our hotel room. After an endless day of Lauren searching for the business building where Marco might possibly be working, and finding nothing, I was ready to just...sleep. I guess. I don't do a lot of sleeping.

                        Instead of finding quiet, I found Lauren, pushed up against the wall, and with her head in her hands. She looked as worse as I felt.

                        When she realized that I was just standing there, it wasn't the reaction I was expecting. Yelling, scratching...that was what I expected. Instead, what I got was her-looking so small and quiet-looking up at me with doe eyes, the shimmer made her look almost good, and not evil.

                        "I thought you would be with Sabrina or something until later." She said with something red rimming her eyes. I realized what it was. She had blood running down her face.

                        Just like I always had.

                        Without even thinking, I rushed over to help her stop the bleeding. She pushed me away, and the blood ran faster. "Go away." She hissed.

                        "No, Lauren...look at you!" I dabbed at her face with a napkin left over from room service we had to order to make it look like we eat.

                        She glared, and the blood stopped. I guessed she wasn't thinking about...whatever it was she was thinking about anymore.

                        She turned away from me. "Please just leave."

                        "You know I can't do that now."

                        She still refused to look at me. I tried lifting up her chin to look at me, but she resisted. "Why was that happening to you? I thought you said that you didn't have that happen to you anymore. I thought you were over Alec..." I winced saying his name, hoping that no blood would run down my own face.

                        "I'm not thinking about Alec!" She burst out.

                        I twitched my nose, thinking. "Oh."

                        She sighed. And wiped away the blood stains. "It's Marco. I guess it has the same affect. I want to find him so BADLY." She smirked a bit at that, for a moment ruining her innocent look. I immediately thought that she was up to something, but pushed that thought to the back of mind.

                        All she wanted was to find love. That's pretty much what everyone wants.

                        "Do you want to talk about it?" I heard myself say.

                        She hesitated for a second, and then, grimaced. "Do you think that I'm going to turn into one of your little girly friends? I'm not going to stay up all night with you and talk about my FEELINGS." She got up from the floor, and laid down on the bed, she flicked on the TV.

                        I sat across from her, on the second bed. "Well, want to listen to me talk?"

                        She glared, I took it as a yes. I took a deep breath. "We have a similar situation, Lauren." She raised an eyebrow at that. I nodded. "We do. We're both in love with someone that we're separated from. It's a very...I guess, heart breaking situation." I stared at my hands. "We really need to stick together. I don't have anything against you, really. Even though you kidnapped my boyfriend, I don't hate you." I smiled a bit, showing myself, "not hating her."

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