Chapter 75: Challenger Zileh Vs. Elite Four

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Zileh saw that Courtney was distracted. She didn't want to win because her opponent wasn't prepared, but she also got the feeling she shouldn't say anything. Courtney sent Magcargo back out. Talonflame flew at Gallade. Its legs were swept from under it, but with weakly trembling arms, it stood again. The recoil damage injured Talonflame. Thunder Punch struck its skull and knocked it out. Vaporeon's Scald drenched Magcargo. It was doubly effective. Magcargo fainted.

'Yeah!' Dirk roared, 'You're gonna do it, Zileh!'

Courtney sent out her last Pokémon, Camerupt. She always looked apathetic, but as she held up her Key Stone, it was clear her mind was somewhere else entirely. Gallade slashed at Mega Camerupt. Vaporeon blasted Scald. Camerupt didn't go down like everyone expected it to. Solar Beam burst back at Vaporeon. It collapsed and fainted. Zileh sent out Banette. When both Pokémon piled on to Camerupt, it toppled over.

'Elite Four Courtney is defeated by Challenger Zileh.'

While everyone cheered, Anabel slipped away unnoticed. She met Courtney in the Elite Four's locker room. Disappointed Camden and Lyric were left with Wyatt there.

'I have no choice but to take Rustie Clark to safety,' Anabel told Courtney, 'Please tell everyone to do their best to ensure her friends stay here.'

'Yes... understood. What exactly is happening?'

'Cobalt Gallego has managed to infiltrate Cipher's new lair. It's under the Selenite Resort. They're planning some kind of major attack... and testing DNA samples as we speak.'

'Hm... tedious, bothersome old men...'

'Good luck against Chalcedony.'

'And you... in your investigation.'

Blue and red smoke poured from the elevator on the battlefield. Eldes strode to greet Zileh.

'Hello! Those battles against Chobin and Courtney were impressive. Now, show me that same strength!'

Zileh didn't dare respond. If she said anything about winning, she would be embarrassed if she lost. She sent out Vaporeon and Crobat. Eldes sent out Flygon and Dragonite. Zileh's heart was hammering. She was closer to facing Zane than Dirk or Rustie, but he still seemed so far away. Crobat hurtled at Dragonite. It barely seemed to wince at the power of Brave Bird. Flygon's Dragon Claw knocked Vaporeon into a pool of its own blood. Dragonite used Dragon Dance. Ice Beam shot it from the air. For a moment, it seemed as if it would nonchalantly rejoin the battle, but it abruptly hit the floor. It was down.

See! We're doing alright. Nerves can't get the better of me now...

Eldes sent out Drampa. Blood soaked Vaporeon's skin as Flygon tore at it again. Crobat sprayed Toxic at Drampa. It was badly poisoned. Ice Beam shot a hole in Flygon's left wing. It shrieked in pain. Then it collapsed. Drampa hurled Energy Ball at Vaporeon. It was flung off its feet. Zileh returned it before it hit the floor. It was already unconscious. She sent out Gallade. Eldes sent out Hydreigon.

If only I had a Fairy-type move... why don't I have a Fairy-type move?! Never mind. Gallade, we can do this!

Zileh held up her Key Stone. Mega Gallade was ready to fight. Crobat slashed at Hydreigon with Cross Poison. Gallade's Brick Break hit it in the neck. Something cracked. All three of Hydreigon's heads screeched. It was a critical hit. It crashed to the floor. Zileh was a little dizzy. She was absentmindedly holding her breath. Gallade glanced back. Its caring eyes urged her to stay calm.

Drampa shot Ice Beam. It struck shrieking Crobat in the stomach, but as soon as it hit the floor, it fluttered back up. Eldes sent out Salamence.

Eeek! That thing's coming for you, Gallade!

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