Start from the beginning

What is this feeling?

Without another chance of thinking, they had a gentle land on the clouds.

A big stadium-shaped building greeted their eyes. A big festival with people running around also greeted them. Some made their own shopping booths with foods from earth. Smell of fish is shit on Junhee's nose. But Byeongkwan purchased a concerning amount of fish.

"I would be grateful if you buy this," Junhee said as he pulled Chan's hand. He pointed to the booth of chocolate puddings.

How can Chan resist the sparkling eyes from the non-stop begging Junhee? At the end, he bought the whole stock of the chocolate puddings.

For Junhee, it's the best day of his life. When he first let the food onto his mouth, a bittersweet feeling took over. It's a bit of a strong taste, some of the food back home crossed his mind. but it's not as strong as usual. The texture melts in his tongue. Like his favorite dish.

For the rest of the morning, they sat on one of the benches at the side of the road. Junhee would eat all the puddings, while Chan leaned into his body.

"Want some?" Jun took a spoon of the pudding.

Chan nodded. Junhee shoved the spoon onto Chan's mouth.Chan took it in one gulp.


Junhee laughed, he couldn't comprehend how wide Chan's smile, and how much... it makes his heart beat faster.

After that the three of them entered the building. A massive, yet grand building in front of them.

They parted places right away, as Chan anxiously stared at the back of Junhee slowly getting little. Why is he the one trembling in fear? He looks again at the ticket wrapped in his fist.

"Fuck, we're gonna go broke after this," Byeongkwan complained.

"I don't care, I want to see my baby in action," Chan squealed.

"You're the baby here, Chan. Don't be so overconfident that you're gonna top him," Byeongkwan then laughed.

An announcement stated that the tournament is starting soon. Both rushed to the audience's entrance.


"The first game is brawl, you're gonna fight each other, we pick. Are there any questions?" the coach said in a chill manner, more relaxed than the other staff in place.

None of the contestants raised a hand. But he heard few girls squeal behind, admiring the beauty of the black-haired coach.

Coming in the second match, he watched more horror of the match. Swings of ropes, screams of agony and pain, and blood dripping from their skin. They we're at the same level, attacking and dodging. Until one lost his rhythm and fall-fainted while his blood colored the sandground to a red.

The winner burst out in pride, waving his hand to the air while cheers flooded him.

The next turn landed on him, and another contestant shorter than him. But his stare comes with pride and determination, something Junhee piqued in interest . They stepped into the stadium together with people already chanting their excitement.

Junhee squints his eyes to search for the black-haired loud boy. Too clear in sight, with a banner that wrote 'Park Junhee World Domination' in his and Byeongkwan's grip. Nine rows of audience seats, so many angels there.So many people, his first time he'd seen this much. but for Junhee it felt spectacular, with a mix of nervousness and anxiety.

In the middle of the audience lies a wide empty space. A throne. Donghun sat with one of his legs crossed. Wearing a black robe that flows until the tip of his ankle, giving them a thumbs up.

"I believe in you JUNNIE!" Chan shouted. Everyone took a glance at Chan. For Donghun's sake Byeongkwan could only tilt his head down.

Junhee totally didn't hear that, or tries to think he didn't hear that.

The referee next to Donghun blows the whistle. The kid strikes forward with his laser, squashing Junhee's stomach. But then from under his hands, he pull out his light laser to tie the kid's laser light. His laser twisted and it broke the kid's light laser.

The kid let out an audible gasp. But he striked forward again, but Junhee dodged. The kid growled, firing mini light-lasers right at Junhee's head. A millisecond near miss. While the kid is still busy with targeting his head, Junhee took the chance to pull out a rope into the kid's leg, tying it up and throwing him. When he crashed, bits of cracks formed.

"Three... Two... One..."

The kid woke up again, although his nose is already bleeding. He let out his light rope again and tied up Junhee's hand as he leapt forward. His kick landed right onto Junhee's stomach. But then Junhee repelled with his tied-up hands. He pushed the kid's body to the back, yet he tumbles down to the ground.

But the kid still stood up. He let a laser up to his face. He had time to cover it with his hands. His hands ended with a scar that drips in blood. When he tried to let out another rope, the shine became weaker. The little kid trying to hold a festive laugh.

The kid shot out more lasers to Junhee's body. His arms, his shoulders, his legs. And Junhee kept taking a step back as the kid moved forward more and more, pinning him onto the edge.

"WAIT IT IS LEGAL TO DO THAT?! SHOULD IT BE A TIMEOUT?? I THOUGHT THIS MATCH IS ONLY THROWING! THEY HURT JUNHEE!" Chan screamed his lungs out, until even Junhee got his ears sore after hearing it.

"Ma'am, this is a high-class battle. It's prohibited for contestant to induce pain to each-other." the coach said.

"Oh don't call me ma'am, Seungcheol, you're acting like we don't know each other,"

"Why, would I want to act like I know someone who screams too loud in the crowd like a Karen and giving me second hand embarrasment, huh? " Seungcheol raised his eyebrows.

"Fair point," Chan looks away.

He tries to calm himself down and get dragged back to his seat by Byeongkwan. He didn't dare to even open his eyes for a moment, while Byeongkwan pats his back.

"Junhee will be okay," he muttered, even for Cha it sounds a bit muddled.

He tries to control But with a consistent slow pace,he opened his eyes and straight up stared at the match.

Being pinned, the kid tried to let out another rope onto Junhee. But before it, Junhee succeeded in tying the kid's rope one and flicked the kid away once again.

Chan whispered to himself Junhee will be alright, he's strong. And as he said that time without shame in front of Donghun.

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