Chapter 12:

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I've been meaning to post this for a week but got sick so it was a struggle to edit but here is a chapter for you guys for being so amazing and patient with me. I can't gurantee another update soon (this has been written for over a year) but I wanted you guys to have this.


"Will you sit down? Your pacing is stressing me out." I eyed Reynolds who was laid out on the couch, a pillow protecting his eyes from the bright lights above him.

Shaking my head, I turned on my feet, as I made another lap across the common area of Ryder and I's suite. My back was killing me, I had never felt more pregnant than what I felt now, and no matter how hard I attempt to massage out the kinks near my spine, the pain just wouldn't dissipate. I couldn't sit down even though I wanted to. I couldn't stay still without feeling so uncomfortable it was painful.

"I can't sit," I groaned as I lean back against the closest wall, my eyes stinging as I tried hard not to cry.

"Lie down then." His voice was light and I wondered if he was close to falling asleep in his very comfortable looking position. I envied him.

"I can't lie down." I snapped. My chest was starting to hurt, tightening as I felt myself grow anxious. "It hurts to do anything. I need to move. I can't-" My voice shook with the words and Reynolds sighed softly pushing up from his spot, coming over closer to me.

Lifting my hand, I stopped him from getting to close to me. I was already worked up from all my pain, I didn't need his help, I just needed the pain to go away. Pressing my back against the wall, one hand gripping the side of the tv unit to help keep me steady I slid down to the floor. Closing my eyes, I tried to take in some deep calming breathes, my hand running soothingly over my stomach.

"You only have a couple of weeks left." Reynolds said gently as he sat down near my legs, hand lifting to run over my leg but he seconds guesses it dropping it back to his lap.

"It's only going to get worse." I whimpered my hand running over my eyes to stop the tears trying to fall.

A little back pain was nothing to what I knew was coming. A few weeks might not have been long but the more painful this pregnancy got the further away my due date felt. The back pain was going to get worse; the kicks were going to get stronger; my little babies kicks were going to get so strong that I would start to bruise. I was scared and every day that passed I questioned if I was going to be able to get through this.

Pulling my hand back from my eyes I watched as Reynolds pursed his lips before giving me a sympathetic smile, lifting his hand he didn't hesitate to give my knee a reassuring squeeze. He hadn't been able to give me one of his goofy smiles since we all got back from London a few days ago and I missed them. "Did you want me to call Ryder for you?"

Little wisps of hair fell from my bun as I shook my head and I laid down on my side, fidgeting a little to get myself at least somewhat comfortable. Sliding my hand beneath Ryder's thickly scented shirt, I ran it over my belly again trying to soothe the tense skin.

My eyes fluttered shut as I curled up on the hard wood floor, legs tucking up against my belly. "No, he needs to work. And if this is only going to get worse, I need to be able to get through it without him."

God, I wanted him here though. I wanted him to lie in bed with me. I wanted his arms wrapped securely around me as he held me against his chest so I could hear the calming gentle beat of his heart against his chest.

"He doesn't want you in pain Lottie." Reynolds soft voice interrupted my restful thoughts and I heard him get to his feet, his scent moving further away from me.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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The Kings Heir -Werewolf King #2-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon