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Zuko slunk out of the dark room gently closing the door behind him. After agreeing to lay down with Kimjo he had stayed for about an hour, but he had other things to attend to. He had seen the Avatar when searching for his uncle and girlfriend, and now as good a time as any to find him.

Considering it was the middle of the night Zuko knew everyone would be sleeping, hopefully, the Avatar fell into that group, that way he could take him by surprise. He made his way towards Iroh's chambers to wake him.

"Uncle," he knocked on the door, "Uncle wake up!" He didn't have time to be polite.

Shuffling was heard on the other side of the door before it opened to show the bleary-eyed man.

"Really, Prince Zuko, must you be so loud?"

"Uncle, I didn't tell you this earlier with everything going on, but I saw the Avatar on my search for you. He is on this island, and I think now is an opportune moment to find him, considering he should be sleeping."

Iroh just sighed and turned back into his chambers to get dressed. He didn't see the point in arguing with the young prince, and a distraction could do him good.


It wasn't long after that they found the village. They were going toward where Zuko last saw the flying bison when they spotted the chimney smoke. Upon reaching the small number of buildings a man walked out onto his front porch rubbing his eyes.

"Having trouble sleeping?" Zuko asked after coming to stand in front of him.

The man just stared back in fear.

"Seen the Avatar lately?" He shoved the villager back inside harshly.


"You what? Don't even try to lie to me old man, I know you know where the Avatar is and I would like to be let in on the secret." Zuko made a dagger out of fire and pressed to the man's throat.

"I don't—" the man was cut off again.

"I said," the dagger pushed into the man's throat, burning his flesh, "where is the Avatar?"

Tears started to leak out of his eyes, and his walls broke. "He," the man hesitated, "he went to the crescent-shaped island where Avatar Roku's temple is in an attempt to talk to him!" His words came out quickly trying to end the pain as fast as possible.

Zuko's dagger stayed at the man's throat.

"Please, take the fire off my throat!" he cried out. The pain was just getting worse.

But the fire stayed.

Iroh was done watching in passive silence. "Prince Zuko, enough! He has told you what you want, now let him go."

Finally, the prince let him go and stormed out of the house.


They knew where the Avatar was headed now. Victory seemed so close, Zuko swore he could taste it. He was standing on the front deck attempting to spot the flying bison through his telescope.

"Sailing into Fire Nation waters," Iroh started, "Of all the foolish things you've done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish."

Zuko didn't want to hear it from his uncle. Capturing the Avatar is the top priority and if Iroh couldn't see that, then he should get out of the way.

"I have no choice, Uncle." 

"Have you completely forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you?" Iroh's patience was weaning. "What if you are caught?" His worries were reflected in his voice. Iroh knew what Ozai could and would do to his nephew. He had always been a cruel man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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