24. Come with me

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I'm going to do it.

I am.

I. Am. Going. To. Do. It.

'Today is the day I am going to ask Acacia to the winter formal.' I kept repeating the same thing to myself as I got dressed for school and I walked down the stairs.

I could feel my body emitting the nerves.

As I sat down at the dining table I felt all my brothers staring at me.

"Is there something I can do for you all?" I snapped at them. They all looked shocked at my outburst,.

Enzo walked over to me and licked his finger; he began wiping my face with his bacteria covered hand and then he re-did my tie and said, "your blazer is on backwards."

Xander began laughing, I rolled my eyes and took it off to then put it on the right way.

Enzo passed me the plate of pancakes, but I pushed them away and rested my head in my hands, the zoo in my stomach was making me feel sick.

"Are you ok? Why aren't you eating?" Eli asked me. Not looking up, I just shrugged.

"Sorellina please tell me what's wrong." Enzo sat next to me

"Really it's nothing. I'm just tired a-and thinking about stuff. I'm ok." I sent him a reassuring smile. At first he gave me a concerned look but then stood up and kissed the top of my head "I'm always here to talk remember that."

I ended up eating half a pancake but then giving up, Matteo shrugged it off, but I could tell he was worried. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car, once inside he looked over to me "I know you have a secret, or secrets. I also know Enzo has already said this, but I wanted to say it to. And I really honestly mean it... If you ever need to talk about anything but you're afraid of what your brothers will say, I promise I won't tell them. I just want to be there and help you; I love you too much to lose you." He looked at me, we stared at each other for a while before he realised that I wasn't going to say anything.

He turned on the car and began to drive, as we were halfway up the highway "I'm bisexual." I blurted out.

Teo looked at me and furrowed his brows, "Ok... and?"

"Wait you're not mad?" I asked, very confused.

"Of course, I'm not mad you idiot. However, I don't like the fact I'm going to be having to fight off girls and guys who try take my bambina away from me." He huffed as we kept driving.

"Ok...well... cool then." I smiled at him, feeling like a ton of bricks had just been lifted off of my shoulders.

"Teo?" I looked down at my hands.

"Mmhm?" He hummed in response.

"How would you ask a girl out to the winter formal?"

Looking at me as if I had grown two heads, he pulled the car over.

"My sister has a crush!" He squealed.

"I don't think you can park here?" I questioned him as we were pulled off of the side of the highway, he shrugged and turned the hazard lights on.

"So, tell me everything about her and I can try and help you. Then I can help you can come out to the rest of our brothers, that is if you want too of course." He smiled placing his hand on my knee.

"Thank you I'd appreciate it."

"Ok so her name is Acacia, she's 16, she is beautiful" I pulled out my phone and showed him her Instagram. "She likes art, music, ice cream, cake and she is funny, and kind and I like her a lot."

I rambled on about her for ages until Teo stopped me, "Ok we are going to go to Dairy Queen, order an ice cream cake with the words 'Formal?' on the top, you are going to write a cringe joke on the top. You are going to give it to her, and she is going to love it." He said confidently.

"Oh my god I think she would really like that." I smiled, my nerves were wearing off and excitement was taking over.

Once we got to school, we split up, but Matteo told me he would come meet me at my locker with the cake and I agreed.

The whole first few periods, people were asking each other to the formal and I could have sworn I could feel Acacia's eyes on me every time we saw someone get asked.

Lunch couldn't have come sooner.

After I had met Matteo and got the cake off of him, I wrote the line 'Going to the formal with you would be the icing on the cake...'

I smirked at my handy work before walking over to the table

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I smirked at my handy work before walking over to the table. I sat opposite Acacia and pulled out the box, I presented it to her, and her jaw dropped.

Just when I thought she was going to say no, she pulled out a poster covered in chocolates. The poster read out:

I felt my smile spread from cheek to cheek, we exchanged proposals and I smiled at mine, I loved it so much it was so thoughtful and creative

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I felt my smile spread from cheek to cheek, we exchanged proposals and I smiled at mine, I loved it so much it was so thoughtful and creative.

I wrapped my arms around her, and we hugged for ages, I wanted to kiss her but not yet. I had to make our first kiss special.

Annabelle and Tommy then walked up, "By the looks on your faces, she said yes?" They directed at Acacia and we both nodded holding each other's hands. They cooed at us making me playfully roll my eyes.

It was as if a smile had been permanently painted onto my face.

An angel and her demons.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ