Who the fuck do I call?

It's a Saturday night, everyone's busy. You pull out your phone, and call your father in hopes of him not being occupied. "Honey? Is everything okay?" You hear him say and you tell him to pick you up, it's an emergency and Hawks won't be taking you home. Without asking twice, he tells you he'll be right there, the call ended shortly after.

You were on your feet, alone and now cold in front of the movie theatre, staring dryly at the parking. That bloody parking. You felt overwhelmed, like the sky was crashing on to you and maybe you were exagerrating, but you just didn't understand why you couldn't have one nice thing go your way.

Dabi never cheated, it was me, I never listened to him.

Before letting your thoughts carry on longer, you see your father's car pull up and you quickly get in. "(Y/n), tell me what happened" He asks immediately, taking note of your agitating body language.

And so you tell him everything, the scandal that your classmates orchestrated, just to see you fall. He guided you to calm down, and took you to buy shaved ice cream, your favorite treat after having a bad day.

"I just wanna move out of this town already"

"(Y/n), you know we can't do that"

"I can't wait to go to fucking college" You mumbled and your dad corrected your foul use of language. After half an hour, you arrived to your house, furiously eating the ice cream, clenching your teeth with every brain freeze.

"Do you wanna watch your favorite movie?"

"I'm just gonna be in my room, dad"

"It's okay, goodnight honey"

You nodded and went upstairs, undressing in an a lazy manner and exchanging your old clothes with pajamas. Above everything else, you just felt shitty, shitty about the fact that you were a puppet, always have been for other people. You were taunted and ridiculed to the point where all these people did was make you feel like a joke.

You didn't want to spend a Saturday night locked up in your room, you wanted someone to talk to, someone who could guide you through this because you didn't want to feel alone any longer. You reached for your phone, and remember one key phrase.

Call that number whenever you feel overwhelmed.

You chuckled to yourself, remember that night when he just hopped in you car and you thought it was a therapist's number. But to you dismay, it turned out to be his own number, that sneaky little bastard.

You missed it, it was pitiful how much you longed for him to come back, but the chances of him giving you a second chance were little to none. He knew nothing about your whereabouts, since he hasn't been to school at all, he had no knowledge about your return with Hawks. Then last night when he walked in on you and Overhaul about to kiss, he probably thought you were messing around with him. When in reality all you wanted was a way to get over him, but you couldn't.

And so you convince yourself that you shouldn't call him, you would only end up hurt with all the things he'd say. However, your actions said otherwise, because you searched up his name and call him, not giving it a second thought.

He won't answer,

He shouldn't answer.

I'd understand if he doesn't want to speak to me again.

Just let me hear your voice.

"Sup, princess"

It takes you a while to answer, because you sincerely believed he would ignore the call. After all, why would he bother talking to you? You heard weird noises on his end, but try not to make a fuss about it.

"What... What are you doing"

"Having car sex, you?"

You were baffled, relieved he answer but baffled that he told you that. It explained why you were hearing these sounds and why his voice was out of breath.

"Ah.. sorry for calling then, bye"

Hanging up quickly, you cringed. How embarrassing! That's what I get for calling him! God I'm such an idiot.

You walked downstairs, getting a hold of a tub of ice cream and headed back to your rooms. Who cares if I have more ice cream, I'm sad and I deserve it! You motivated yourself to eat your comfort food and watch a sit com.

Dabi on the other hand, hadn't noticed you hung up so quickly, and diverted his attention back the girl that was bouncing on his dick in the back of his car. He wondered why in god's name you called him out of the blue, but again, it wasn't like he cared, right?.

He didn't understand why you were making the breakup a big deal, yeah things got messy but he got over quickly—at least that's what he likes to think. "Yeah! Fuck, I'm soooo close Dabi" The woman seductively chanted into his ear. "Me too, why don't you show me what that pretty pussy of yours can do?" He spoke to her, and she placed her hands on his thighs for support.

She jumped up and down, eventually reaching their climaxes. "I still can't believe you had a girlfriend, the girls at the club missed you" She breathed out, trying to cover her exposed chest and moving to the side.

"Me neither" He murmured, pulling up his pants and brushing his already messed up hair. "Drive me home?" She asks, back in her clothes and tracing her fingertips over his biceps. "Call an uber" He responds dryly and she scoffs, expecting him to say yes. Dabi shrugged, confused as to why she assumed he would do that.

Pissed off, the girl left the car and when back into the bar, leaving the boy alone in the Wave parking. He watches her leave, and goes for his phone, now in the front seat. He decides to call you back, because if you called him at this time it must've meant something. It was logical for him to call back, it's just basic manners, and you did call him at the wrong time.

"Hey, listen you didn't have to call me back-"

"Why'd you call?"

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