Chapter 1

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So, I have decided to finally join Wattpad. I have been reading stories on my IPhone for over a year and I thought that it was time for me to upload my own. As a starter, I wrote my own version of the House of Night Series by P.C. and Kristin Cast. There are 8 books until now: Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted, Tempted, Burned, and Awakened. You should check them out because they are real good. Anyways, this is just a Fan Fiction. I do not own anything.






"David, I'm sorry but there's-" pause to cough, "no way I can run laps

today," I managed to say before another urge to cough came.

"Belle, shut up. Seriously. If you keep talking you are going to cough

up a lung. Don't worry. I'm skipping P.E. with you," he said.

"But you'll-"

"Belle! Please, if you keep talking you're never going to get better."

Ha ha ha. He sounded like my mother. "It's no big deal. They won't

even notice I'm gone."

I nodded and hoped he understood it was my way of saying thanks. David

Castle has been my best friend since kindergarten. He is, perhaps, the

main thing that keeps me alive. It all started with orange juice.

When we were in kindergarten, there was this really mean girl called

Daisy, who, for some reason, hated me. One day, she got mad at me

because it was my turn to play with the Legos and decided to spill her

orange juice all over me. I started to cry and then David came to my

aid. He told her that she was mean and that she shouldn't do that to

people or she'll never have friends. Daisy sticked her tongue out at

him and David spilled his milk on Daisy's pants and told everybody she

had had an accident. Daisy ran away and hid in the girls bathroom for

the rest of the day. David then turned to me and told me that whenever

someone was mean to me, I just had to call him. Naturally, David got

scolded by the teacher but he didn't seem to care much. He smiled at

me the whole time he was being shouted at by the teacher. That was the

sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. And so, we became really

close. But things kinda changed when we reached seventh grade. I

started looking at David differently. He made me feel special and I

wanted to spent even more time with him. He was with me even when my

older sister got Marked four years ago and my social status fell to the floor. All

the times I've cried in my life, David had been there trying to

comfort me. I guess I fell in love with him. But I can't do anything

"Discovered" -A House of Night Series Fan Fiction {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now