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It's been three days since what happened at Harry's place. I can only seem to think about him with that girl and how he looked at her. I just don't understand why he was acting like that. Like, yeah she's pretty but she's not anything special.

At the moment me and Lauren are sitting in the library since we both have study hall. She has her headphones in while she works on something across the table from me but I can't seem to bring myself to do anything besides think about him so I've decided to text him. I never usually do, actually I don't think I've ever text him first so I'm not sure how to go about this. Should I say 'hi' or 'hey' or 'what's up?' or should I ask a question? I had to ponder it for a few minutes and finally thought about something.

To Harry: Hey are we still doing something on Friday?

From Harry: No sorry, I've got other things to do. We'll have to go another time.

To Harry: Aha how about we don't even bother

From Harry: What?

To Harry: We're nothing serious so it shouldn't matter, right?

I quoted him from when he told me to change, pressed send, and tossed my phone on the table completely aggravated. I put my head in my hands and sighed. Lauren looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"You okay?" She pulled her earbuds out. "Physically? Yes. Mentally? Not entirely, no." I laugh a bit at myself. How did I even end up like this? "What's wrong? Is it about Henry?" I laugh a little again. "Yeah." "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head no but I really do feel like I need to talk about it.

"You know how I said we were just hooking up and stuff?" She nodded her head. "Okay, well that's all it was supposed to be but then I shared something personal with him and he was being sweet and then I stayed the night at his house and it was really cool and we had a good time and then he said we were nothing serious and then asks me on a date and then cancelled the date to hang out with some other girl he used to date or something and now I don't know what to do." I looked at the table the entire time feeling slightly embarrassed telling her everything.

"Well you know what you have to do right?" She asked so I shook my head no. "You have to make him jealous! He'll see that other guys are obviously interested and that'll have him back with you in no time." I laughed this time because of how silly she was being. "I'll take that into consideration." I tell her knowing I won't but glad she was trying to make me feel better.

"Good. I also have things to tell you about Eric and I." She says smiling. "Okay, shoot."


Three weeks have gone by and I haven't seen Harry once and I've been purposely ignoring his texts. It's the end of the week we came back to school from Christmas break and me and my friend Lucas are going to my house. Over break I ran into Lucas at the store and we got to talking about shoes. Turns out we have similar taste in not only shoes but men as well.

After we talked for a while, we exchanged numbers and hung out a few times over break. It hasn't been long but we can already tell each other things we haven't told anyone else for instance, that he's gay. I'm literally the only person in our school that knows besides his younger sister. He doesn't have friends that he'd ever considered telling because he knows they would be weird about it so he hides it.

Lucas and I got back to my house and I purposely had to mention to my mother the first time he came over that we were just friends when she told me we had to stay in the living room. I started arguing with her about it, not trying to tell her what he trusted me not to tell anyone but then he out of nowhere said, "Ma'm I'm gay." My mom went silent and then looked at me. "Well in that case do whatever, I'm sorry." She said to the both of us while laughing at herself and then leaving the room.

Aphrodite // H.S. (Mature)Where stories live. Discover now