The Plan is Revealed

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Song is Last One Standing By Simple Plan. 

Sky's P.O.V

I push down. I try to get out. I put my hands on the ground. Ty turns into Enderlox. No. My eyes widen. Wait that's the only way. There are people in the cells below. 

"I will take care of Midnight. Sky you run with Seto." Ty said. His voice is darker. They both disappear. I will try to get Seto. But Oliver and his friends are still down below. My eyes turn white. The stuff flies into the air. I stand up and lean on a destroyed wall. I put my hand on my leg. I grit my teeth. I need to get below. 

"Seto there are people in the cells aren't there?" 

"Yes go get them. I'll be fine." Seto said. I run towards the dungeons. I'll have to ignore the pain. Debris is blocking the entrance. I start taking it off. I hear people down below. They are down there for sure. I hear a roar and wind blows on me. I look behind me. A demon. I pull off the last piece. I open the door. I get hit. I scream and fall down the steps and hit a wall. 

"Sky are you okay?!" Someone yelled. I stand up. 

"I'm fine." I look outside. I see a giant eye. My eyes widen. It pulls back and it's hand comes towards me. Not again. I move. I don't see the keys. I don't need keys. 

"Who's alive down here?!" 

"Oliver, Charlie and I. Everyone else disappeared." Jen said. I look at her. She's been crying. 

"What's going on up there?" Oliver asks. 

"You guys are leaving with the others this time." I put my hand on Jen's cell lock. It's not working. 

"Come on." 

"Sky it's not working." Oliver said. 

"Your not getting away form me that easy!" Someone yelled. I look down the hall. Midnight! Sh*t! I look back at the lock. It's not working. 

"Sky what are those?!" Oliver yells. I look down the hall. Demons are coming! Small ones this time. I  point my hand towards them. My magic is not working. Why did it work outside and not inside? I have something but this might not work. Dylan told me something about Midnight's magic. I hope she is right. I'll have to do something risky. I pull out a knife. I pick the lock. .

"He can pick locks of course." Jen said. 

"They are coming closer." Charlie said. 

"Stay calm." I open the door. 

"I rather have it close." Jen said. I work on Charlie's cell. 

"Hurry up!" Charlie yell. Shut up!

"They are coming. Watch out!" Oliver said. The demons go right through me. They look confuse.

"What?!" Midnight yelled. I unlock the door and look at her. 

"Midnight Malis magic doesn't work underground! I know your using it. I can tell by the technique you have. Dylan told me that you have been trying to unlock the magic. Using it will end your life. If you want to use it, you'll have to master it first." I work on Oliver's door. Midnight runs towards me. Jen and Charlie come out. They look at me. 

"She's coming." Jen said. It's not working. I pull the knife out. 

"The lock is broken." 

"You can't leave me here." Oliver said. He grips the bars. 

"I'm not leaving you here to die Oliver." I put my knife away.

"Charlie, Jen move." They do. I rip off a piece of wood. I smack it against Midnight she shoots straight in the ground and outside. I wedge it in Oliver's cell door.

Lost: Book 7 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now