<<<<Part II: What???>>>>

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Jerry entered the limo and sat on a seat. About 10 seats away, there was a bald man. In a white tux. "Yo, it's Mr.305. Mr.Worldwide. Wanna to letcha know that your band members scheduled this date," Pitbull explained. What??? His band members knew??

Jerry's mouth dropped. He can't believe it. Surely he was paid to do this. "What?? Are you for real?? If so, where does this supposed "date" take place?", Jerry asked Pitbull. He was a nervous wreck. He was sweating and blushing.

"Well, just letting you know, that I paid for this trip and everything else. Don't worry about food, hotel. I took care of that. To answer your question, we are going to Bora Bora. Just the two of us, with some guards of course," Mr.Worldwide explained. Jerry still couldn't believe it, surely this is a prank that Sean planned.
"I know that you're nervous, but just relax. We are just going to have a nice weekend trip."

Hours later....

Pitbull and Jerry already landed. Wow, this place is so magical, Jerry thought. The beautiful scenery. The very clean and blue ocean. The marvelous houses.

"Wow...this place is so beautiful. Just like the pictures," Jerry said. He was so amazed. "I know right, it's a nice place. I'll show you to our room."

You know what I'm getting lazy. So flash forward to somewhere near the ending of this abomination of a story.

Jerry and Pitbull are sitting together, drinking their coconut water, whatever the hell.  They are both looking into the sunset.

"This trip was beautiful. I enjoyed hanging out with you, Pitbull. I've been meaning to ask you this..." Jerry said. Pitbull raised his eyebrow and sips on his drink. "Go ahead. Tell me."

"Was this all a prank? Did you all do it for the money?", he asked. Pitbull sighed," No, it wasn't for the money. I just wanted to hang out with you for a long time. I am a big Alison Chains fan," Mr.305 began to sweat and... "YO WHAT THE FUCK ITS JERRY CANTRELL FROM ALISON CHAINS!!!!!!!! WHAT IS UP JERRY?!?! PITBULL??? MR.WORLDWIDE??? WOAH MY FAVORITE TWO LEGENDS!!!" They turned their heads and its just this random girl who has curly mf hair and looks like a deranged short Tom Araya.  How the fuck did she pass the guards?

Pitbull whistled and the guards shoot her down. He winked at Jerry and kissed him

I'm fucking done. I'm not doing this anymore what the hell am I doing

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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Hotel Room Service. A Jerry Cantrell x Pitbull storyWhere stories live. Discover now