1:3 Choices Made

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"What did you get grounded for this time?"

Stiles scowled into the phone as she heard her 'brother from another mother' on the other line.

"Not just grounded. I have to go to a teen's equivalent to an anger management seminar."

Scott laughed straight into the phone, causing Stiles to pull it from her ear.

"What for?"

"According to my father I have 'behavioral issues' and I am 'too defiant' for someone who should be a role model since I'm the daughter of the sheriff." Stiles through her hands behind her after making air quotes in the air, her cellphone on speaker phone on her chest.

"Yeah, but what did you do?"

Stiles sighed and looked up at the slanted roof of her bedroom.

"I punched a bitch in the face that deserved it. She just happened to be part of an influential family....he should have still seen my side of the story but he didn't. He won't even hear it."

She wished she could talk to someone about it. She had tried sneaking into the care home several times since that day but it was like they were on the lookout and she was banned from there, 'fired' as a volunteer. She just kept imagining Peter being all alone and it hurt her, it hurt almost physically to think about it. All along her spine, where her soul-mark words were, had been stinging since that day, since she hadn't been able to see him. The worst was that she couldn't even sneak out of her house without some deputy reporting it to her father.

"So that's why you've been dropped off and picked up each day."


Stiles was starting to feel stir crazy. She needed to get out soon or she felt she'd really lose her marbles.

The opportunity came one night when her father got called in for a 10-54. It was odd for one to happen, since Beacon Hills was pretty much a sleepy old town; but it occasionally happened when some drunk overdid it one night and died suddenly or something like that. Earlier that day Stiles had 'borrowed' one of her father's old police radios, so that while he was out she could be kept abreast of when he might head home.

She stopped by Scott's first, after all she needed a lookout. After nearly making him pee his pants from fright, she got him to come along after promising to get him home before midnight.

 After nearly making him pee his pants from fright, she got him to come along after promising to get him home before midnight

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

She wasn't sure if he would actually get home before midnight but it was worth the fib.

Without incident and per the police radio her father still out, they made it to the care center without any problem. As long as the search party for what came over as the "other half" didn't end up near the edge of the national park where the care center was; Stiles would be safe from discovery.

"Stay in the car. Honk if you see anyone start walking towards that side of the building." Stiles pointed to the west side where Peter's room was.

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