Murphy the Menace pt II

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Murphy held Remi for a short while after he untied them both from the ropes.

Too long and they wouldn't be able to make it out unharmed. Too bad one of them already was injured.

Remi shrugged out of his grasp and tried to stand. Murphy grabbed underneath her arms and helped her stand up straight.

The two of them crossed over to the work bench and plucked a few knives from out of the table where they had been embedded before.

Remi was still quite sore from being tortured by the grounders, but she tried not to show it.

What would Raven think?

As long as she could remember, her sister had always been the smart one, the pretty one, the badass one, the funny one.

She would be the tough one. She would be a survivor.

Remi walked with a newfound determination. Her sister would be proud when she returned to camp, all scratched up.

She would act like it was nothing, shrug it off to make herself seem tougher. It was a good plan.

Remi wrapped her hand tightly around the hilt of the knife and began looking for a way out.

The grounders had tied them up in a secluded corner of the hut. Surely enough, once she rounded the corner, a heavily sealed door waited for them. It just begged to be opened.

Remi approached the door and Murphy followed a little bit behind her. He watched in awe as she took the knife and pried the bolts and screws out of the hinges.

They fell to the ground with a clang.

Remi's confidence told her to kick down the door. She listened.

It was heavy, but it swung open as she kicked hard. Light blinded the two of them as the outside world was let in.

Birds chirped and flew about the blue sky. It was morning.

They had been there all night.

Murphy and Remi both paused in the doorway as light poured in, illuminating their faces and spilling warmth across their bodies.

Voices boomed in the distance. If they were going to escape, they were going to do it now.

"Come on!" Remi urged.

Murphy bounded out of the hut and into the open. Forest surrounded them. Trees looked above and water flowed from a nearby stream.

Remi had read enough books to know that following the water was an easy way to stay on track.

She thrust a finger in Murphy's direction, indicating they should follow the stream, and Murphy nodded and took off, motioning for her to come with him.

Remi leapt after the boy and they took off running into the trees as the voices stopped.


After walking for several hours and following the stream, both the delinquents were tired and worn out, not to mention hungry.

The grounders hadn't fed them while they had been in captivity. For a solid day!


"Murphy?" Remi began timidly.

The boy stopped walking and turned around to see her. "Yeah?"

Remi bit her lip. Did she want to know the answer to the question?

"How long were we there?"

She held her breath. Please don't say more than one day, please don't say it, she thought.

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