Chapter Five

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*sophomore year*

"Hey Cam," I greeted him with a half smile and a bro hug, like all guys do.

"Yo," he smiled at me. "I didn't think you would come."

I almost laughed in his face. "Why would I ever pass up a fantastic party my man?"

He shrugged. "How's it been going anyway?"

"I think I'm finally getting that Aurora girl to like me," I smirked.

"You've actually worked on someone this long? Do you have feelings for her?" Cameron asked and I instantly scoffed at the accusation.

"Hell to the no. I don't do feelings or girlfriends. If that bitch Emma will do it to me so will everyone else." I rolled my eyes and walked with him to the kitchen to get a drink.

"Cam, how do your parents even allow this kind of party? Mine would stab me if I even asked." I laughed and took a sip of whatever was in my cup.

"It's my birthday they were a bit nicer this year." He laughed.

"Sick. How are you and that chick Emily?" I asked walked outside towards the bonfire.

"I think I really like her." He shrugs and I quickly turn around to face him.

"Wait," I stared at him in bewilderment. "What?"

"I like her. I think I'm gonna ask her out." He smiled, not faltering for a second.

"What about our views on dating? We know how I goes it already happened! What the hell do you think you get married some day or some bullshit like that?" I couldn't tell if my feelings were sad or angry towards him.

"Matt, chill." He rolled his eyes. "Those are your views, not mine. Emily is different. Emma was bad news from the start you were just too blind to notice." He shoved past me and towards the bonfire where his little girlfriend Emily and her posse of white girls sat. I scoffed at the sight of it but walked towards them anyway.

When I sat down in an empty chair next to no one I got a few greetings.

"So," a girl with long dark brown hair said to me. I think her name was Megan. No, Morgan. It was Morgan.

"Settled down with anyone yet?" She asked in a sassy tone.

I rolled my eyes. "Why does everyone feel the need to buy into my nonexistent love life. You people know me."

"You'll find the girl that changes you someday." The one next to her says. Was that Laura? Lauren? My mind was beginning to fuzz from the alcohol I probably shouldn't be drinking.

"I hope to god not," I grumbled, rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands. The weather outside chills me to the bone but the fire in front of me warms me enough.

"It's been a year, don't you think that's enough time to get over her?" Someone says. I look up to see her face illuminated with orange from the fire. I don't even care enough to remember this ones name.

"I am over her," I spat. "Just the face that I don't want to and never will risk getting put through that again. I don't do girlfriends and I certainly don't do love."

I stand up from my seat. "It was nice chatting with you all but I think I'm gonna go find a girl to make out with. And it'll mean nothing to me."

I walk away from the fire practically raging. Why is everyone always picking around in my business? It's not like I matter at all to them. They should probably start worrying about themselves more than worrying about me. I'm fine the way I am.

I hear a girl giggle from behind me and I turn around to meet her faded blue eyes and blonde hair. I look her up and down and notice her lack of clothing. In a sick way she reminds me of Emma. But she's not Emma. No one is Emma.

My mind practically hurts from her.

From that moment on I decided to never ever mention her name again nor think about her nor even let people talk to me about her. Emma is history, sick history. She's the new 'She who shall not be named'.

Before the Game {Prequel to Two Can Play at This Game - Matthew Espinosa}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें