Authors Note

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Hi! I just wanted to say again that these stories are not my own work! They are the Brothers Grimm fairytales! The reason I posted these stories is because I was tired of not being able to find them anywhere for free and I figured that others might be having the same problem.

I wrote this note because people still tell me that I need to say this isn't mine when I have stated it but I'm just writing this just in case people skipped over the parts where I stated it!

I also wanted to share a bit about the stories! So the Grimm Brothers where born in Germany along with their little sister. They knew that girls weren't always safe so they wanted to warn their sister in a way that would help her understand without scaring her, through stories! That's why they can be kind of gruesome. Bluebeard is to warn people that even though someone is rich, they're not always nice. Red Riding Hood is to warn kids to not go and talk with strangers. And these are just two examples! In later years, Walt Disney decided that these stories were great but he couldn't make them into movies that children would watch, these stories are the sort of thing kids could listen to through storytelling. So he took the endings of the stories and made them happy, giving the illusion that there's always a fairytale ending. So from this I hope you, the reader, know that these are not "Disney" tales and they are not "my" stories! Oh yeah, most people believe that the brothers took these stories from someone else, but majority of the stories are written by the brothers, stories like Pocahontas and Peter Pan where not written by the brothers nor did the brothers publish a work with these titles.

If there are stories you want to read in this book, please feel free to comment which ones you want and I'll do my best to post them!

Also, for people who say that they can't understand some of the stories, I'm sorry but when I posted this the story was sort of meant for me and I was very surprised when others started reading it.. Also all the stories are word for word what the Grimm Brothers wrote, I didn't change a thing other than the paragraphs on some

Thanks for reading!

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