'Come on. Let's go back.' Reg said to me

'You go. I'll stay with Sirius. He shouldn't be alone.' i said

'Okay. See you later then.' Reg said and went back to hogwarts

'You don't have to stay.' Sirius said

'It's alright. Sev is a great friend. And i bet a great boyfriend.' i said

'I can see that. But he's still Snape.' Sirius said

'Yeah. Well... You need to find a way of getting along. Sure you won't have to be friends. But you know he's your brother's boyfriend. And well. We get along. So can you two. I mean who thought we would be friends?' i asked

'Yeah. You're right. I mean, i never expect us to get along so well. I still need to process my brother dating Snape. Like that's.... Just another level.' Sirius said

'Hmm.' I murmured

'You know Marlene is also hiding something from me. She doesn't talk much.' Sirius said

'Well. She probably has a reason.' i said

'Yeah. You're probably right. I think I'm fine to go back now.' Sirius said

'Okay. You know. Sometimes the people you hate the most, would save your life. And the people you trust the most, will stab you in the back.' i said

'Should i be worried?' Sirius asked

'No. It's nothing. Just me overthinking. And thinking out loud.' i said

We went back to hogwarts. Sirius went to his dorm. And i went to the Slytherin common room.

'Where's Sirius?' James asked

'His dorm.' i said

'What's he doing there?' James asked

'He needs to get some sleep. He'll tell you, when he wants to.' i said

'I should go be with him.' Remus said

'Yeah. You should.' i said

Remus went out of the common room. At least maybe now Sev and Reg can be together. No more lies for them. They can go on dates, without hiding. They can go to parties together. They can go to the Christmas ball together. And Pettigrew can't get to them anymore.

Andi's owl came in with a letter. She took it and went to our dorm.

'What's that about?' Reg asked

'Don't know.' i said

I followed her to the dorm and closed the door.

'Is it from Narcissa?' i asked

'Yes.' she said
'She's getting married.'
'It's not the only letter she sent.'
'We've been writing ever since we met that day. But only writing. She wants to meet.' she handed me the letter

Hey Annie

I'm getting married. And you won't be there. Can we meet? Bring Katie if you like. Please meet me again at the lake. Whenever you like. I hate that our family has to be this way. I truly don't know how I feel about muggleborns. We were taught that we should stay away from them. Now you're dating one of them. And i truly don't know what to believe in anymore. Let me know if you can meet and let me know when. I really do hope you will come.

~ Flower

'You do know if someone ever finds out about this, you'll both get killed?' i asked

'I know. I do wanna meet her. Can you come with me? Please?' Andi asked

'I guess. When?' i asked

'I don't know yet. She forgot to mention when she's getting married.' Andi said

'I can figure that out.' i said
'Tell me when you wanna meet her and then we'll meet. But you can't continue this. You're getting your hopes up. It's not good for any of you. Not unless, she's choosing to be a part of this family. Not unless she goes against everything she learned. Against everything she loves. And even tho, Narcissa is a better person then Bellatrix and Narcissa could do so much for this world. I don't believe she would ever actually go against her parents. Against Bellatrix. Please babe. You need to stop. Before you get hurt.' i said

'I'm already hurt. I got hurt the day i got disowned. But this makes me feel so much better. It makes me happy. And yes. Maybe you're right. Maybe she'll never go against our parents. Against Bella. But maybe she will. Maybe she'll finally see how bad everything is with them. Maybe.... Just maybe... She'll choose me.' Andi said

'Does he know? Tonks. Does he know?' i asked

'No. He would try to stop me.' Andi said

'So you're lying to him? Andi. That could create so much trouble between the two of you. And you know that. And if he would try to stop you. Then only because he loves you. And he doesn't want you getting hurt.' i said

'I know. And i know i shouldn't lie to him. But i don't know how to tell him. I think we should go tomorrow afternoon, if that's okay with you.' she said

'Sure... Tell him. He won't be mad. He loves you. And so do i.' i said

'I love you too. And i know you do. Both of you. But she also loves me. I'll write her and then come back downstairs.' Andi said

'Oki. I don't know if Reg told you yet. But he told Sirius about him and Sev. That's why Sirius isn't downstairs. He needed some time to process. But he's quite alright with it.' i said

'No. He didn't. I mean, i didn't ask.' Andi said in a sad tone

'It's alright. He'll tell you later probably. I'll go back downstairs and let you write to Narcissa.' i said

I know I'm lying to her too. Keeping secrets. About me and Marlene. About Pettigrew. About Remus. I never lied to her. To any of my friends. But now. I'm lying to everyone. About so many things. But I'm doing it, to protect everyone. And myself.

I went out of the dorm and wanted to go downstairs, but Reg pulled me in his dorm.

'What was the letter about? Who was it from?' Reg asked

'Doesn't matter.' i said

'Katie. Is she seeing someone else? I won't judge if she is. She's my cousin. But she should tell Tonks if she doesn't wanna see him anymore.' he said

'Okay. No. She's not seeing someone else. She loves Tonks. But i can't tell you what it is.' i said

'That's okay. I don't need to know everything. But she should definitely talk to Tonks. He things she's seeing someone else.' he said

'He told you that?' i asked

'Kinda. After you left, he got up and went to get something to drink. I followed him and saw he was upset. I asked him if he was okay. He said he was. But i could see he wasn't. So i asked what was going on and he finally told me. He thinks she might be seeing someone else. She writes to someone a lot. Is secretive. Runs off like today. And she disappears a lot.' he said

'I'll talk to her. And to him. But she's not seeing someone else.'
'I heard Narcissa is getting married. Do you know who she's marrying or when?' i asked

'Yeah. Malfoy. Her parents planned the wedding ever since they finished school. I think they wanted a winter wedding. So someday in december.' he said

'Okay. Like said. I'll talk to both of them.' i said

Well this is messed up. I did say lying will bring troubles. Merlin. I need to do something about this.

Sweet Love ~Marlene Mckinnon~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن