A Thief and a Ninja -Greninja x Reader-

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In the depths of the forest, under the shadows of a tree, a peaceful young man was having a nap, what people don't know is this man used to be a pokemon, more specific a Greninja, a few days ago, he was peacefully sleeping too, when a loud boom woke him up, as he looked into the sky to find any trace of an explosion, when all of the sudden, he was hit by a yellow laser shot, and next thing he knew was that he was a human, by now he was kinda used to it, but it was pretty much... Weird to him.

-There she is! Get back here you thief!- A deep, scary and loud voice said, Greninja was once again out of his sleep and, in an instant, a girl crashed against him, with her on top, she grunted and pulled him by his scarf, hiding both of them behind a mound, she covered his mouth by pulling the scarf, once the men ran in front of them and were far enough she let him go.

-Sorry about that, but I couldn't take the risk- She quickly apologized, Greninja turned around and his eyes met with her own, he immediately fell in love with her smile, and her radiant attitude.

-Why were they following you? And why were they calling you a thief?- She lowered her gaze, and bit her lower lip, she opened her bag and showed him a piece of bread and some apples, not proud of what she have done.

-Hey don't give me that look! Besides how was I supposed to know that it belonged to them?! There was no one around!- She answered, her voice filled with rage, he got up and then helped her, and took the food from her, she tried to get it back, but Greninja wouldn't let her, as he saw this as something a lady should not do.

-I'll give them back their food, you stay here and I'll bring you food that was NOT stolen- He made emphasis in the ''NOT'' part, she sighed in defeat, and agreed to his plan. Around 35 minutes later he came back with the food that he promised, they spend their time chatting and eating happily, and both of them felt good next to each other, for a few moments the only sounds were the river flowing and the soft wind caressing their bodies.

-You're a pretty cool guy, what's your name by the way?- She softly spoke, laying on the grass with her eyes staring at him, waiting for his answer.

-Well, I don't... Have a name yet, what about you?- She rolled to his side, sitting upright and using her hands as support.

-I'm (Y/N), hey, how about I call you Nin, because you look like a Greninja!- She happily cheered, he nodded and she got up and planted a kiss on his cheek, walking away.

-Wait!- Greninja quickly shouted, he grabbed her hand and stopped her tracks, she turned around, smiling softly at him.

-Can I... Come with you? It gets boring to always be alone...- He said, crestfallen, she pulled him up and wrapped her arm around his neck, a grin across her face.

-Sure thing Nin, c'mon lets go!- She shouted, pointing with her index finger to the horizon, both of them walked away into the horizon, smiling softly.  

Human!Pokemon x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now