Guidence consoular

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I had to speak to one. Out of my mothers request.

She seemed nice, but I couldn't trust her with things that people barely know about.

I only told some people my deepest darkest secrets but they don't know the whole story.

She said if it was something serious she have to tell. And what I would say to her, was something she have to tell. And I didn't want more trouble at home. My parents are a nightmare enough let alone having the police and shit involved.

I haven't talked to her months. She knows I don't trust her. When she ask me questions I take awhile to answer, I have to think through what to say.

She says I have anxiety about coming to school. I have anxiety. But who really don't? And most of this anxiety is all caused by SCHOOL! So really who don't have it?

She's getting paid to talk to me. So y should I trust her. She's not talking to me cause she wants to, she's doing it cause she has too.

More reasons not to trust people.

Be careful who you trust In this world.

No one is as they seem.

It's funny how it's always the people in the dark are always telling others to not give up and shit, being the light in their life, while their about to give up themselves.

What a weird world.

But its the dark ones that understands what the other dark ones are going through.

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