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𝓓𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓵𝓪𝓱'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥

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𝓓𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓵𝓪𝓱'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥

To say that I am exhausted would be an absolute understatement. I just soaked in a bath, scrubbing as much ash off of me as I could with the help of my mother. She scolded me for my actions as she ran a delicate comb through my hair.

"I am glad that you are safe darling, but a lady should have never acted the way you did! The men were slowing down the fire, and it is not your job to throw yourself into danger!" I was astonished at the fact my mother wasn't proud of me, but instead angry that I was acting out of order. 

Simply giving up I muttered a small, "Yes mother, it won't happen again." as I slipped into the silk bedsheets. She sat next to me before saying, "Who was that boy you were talking to earlier?" 

I rolled my eyes knowing what she was thinking, "Gilbert Blythe, the one that I told you walks home with me." She looked a bit surprised, "Ah yes, I have heard some things about the Blythes... isn't he a simple farm boy? Maybe you should try talking to the Andrews' boy, his family seems very nice."

I let out a loud groan, "You mean that his family is rich. I want nothing to do with that nasty boy." My mother yelled, "Delilah Meadows you watch your mouth! I suggest that you get some sleep and think about your actions." before storming out of my room.


The next morning Anne invited me over to help her and Ruby with some baking. It was actually one of my hobbies, learning so much about pastries in France. "Do you think that Gilbert will notice me today?" Ruby asked as we walked along the path.

"I'm sure he will, he did put out the blaze on your behalf after all." Anne exclaimed linking our arms. "Good morning Minister. I'm learning to bake. Would you like a scone?" she asked as we approached the Gillis' house.

"Look! It's the freak and her new twin sister. Hey Delilah." Billy smirked down at me. I simply rolled my eyes at him. I spotted Gilbert working next to him, "As long as they bring food, I don't care if it's Quasimodo." 

Suddenly Ruby tripped and fell as Billy laughed at her. "Are you alright Ruby?" I said kneeling down to help her. I heard Anne and Billy shouting at each other and I only lifted my head towards them when he made a remark about us girls staying in the kitchen.

"Why don't you shove off Billy, no one cares what you think!" I called up. He looked taken aback for a moment, "Oh go bake some cookies." he scoffed. "Headline: they already did." Gilbert said from beside him. I shot him a small glare before leaning back down to help Ruby to her feet.

Suddenly Gilbert was on the ground handing Ruby her hat. They made awkward small talk while he kept staring over at me. I joined Anne and Mr. Cuthbert in a conversation to ignore the way he was staring at me.

"Come on Ruby, let's get you home." Anne called grabbing her arm. "I will probably just walk home alone Anne, you go on ahead." She nodded at me and began down the path.

the night we met~ gilbert blytheWhere stories live. Discover now