Chapter 28

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{Sonny's p.o.v.}

The growling of my stomach woke me up.

I lazily opened my eyes and yawned. I looked around and saw that it was night. I perked my ears and heard voices, but they seemed to be farther away. I also heard the honking of car horns and city night life.

I stretched each limb in turn, wincing when I moved my right leg. Before jumping down to the ground, I sniffed the air to make sure that nobody was nereby. I landed on the ground on all fours. Pain shot through my legs and I had to surpress a hiss of pain! I looked around and saw a few bushes across the way. I looked both ways and darted across the path.

I could smell the water from the lake and I realized how dry my mouth was. I darted through the shadows, following the scent of water. I finally made it and gazed at the beautiful sight.

The water was dark, trees overhung above the water, one or two boats were slowly gliding across the water, lights were strung here and there on shore. It was beautiful...

I sat there in the shadows, unseen,  and watched as couples held hands or hugged as they too looked out on the lake.

Everyone and everything was peace. Unlike my life recently.

I sighed, forgeting my hunger for a moment and just sat there. A gentle breeze blew past me, rustling the leaves above my head, my tangled hair lifted and swirled, my tail swaying with the breeze.

It was so peaceful. I almost feel back asleep again, until my stomach rudely interupted my almost meditative state.

I sighed again and trudged to the lakeshore and lapped up big gulps of water. It wasn't the cleanest, but it will have to do.

A flash of silver caught my eye! A fish!

My feline insticts took over and I stayed as still as a statue, not even my tail moved. I waited with claws unsheathed, ready to strike.

I waited and waited, until I saw another flash of silver. My hand quickly shot into the water and scooped up the fish onto shore. It flopped around for a second before I pounced on it and sank my sharp fangs into it, killing it instantly.

I was so hungry, I didn't even hesitate before tearing into it. (I'll spare you the details)

Once I was finished, I dug up some dirt and buried the bones. I washed my hands clean of blood and dirt in the lake.

Next, I started looking for shelter. It was like my mind was in full survival mode, my ears perked up to catch the slightest sound, my nose in the air to smell for any possible scent of danger or prey. It actually felt pretty good.

I decide to stay close to the lake since it was my only source of water and food at the moment. I walked around until I made it to a huge pile of boulders.

It was really late at night now, so there were no humans in sight, but I stilled stayed in the darknest patches just in case. I made it to the base of the rock soon after and crept up to the water.

It didn't look too deep, so I waded into the water on all fours until the water almost touched my belly fur. I wandered around the edge and discovered a small opening between two large boulders, just enough for me to squeeze through.

I couldn't see a thing since I was blocking the entrance where the only source of light was. I sniffed the air to make sure nothing was in here with me. There wasn't.

My paws and hands were still in water though, and I was getting really cold. I had an idea to test how big the hole was. I let out a small meow and listened for an echo. A second later it bounced back at me. I judged that it was probably about 4 feet further in.

A few small steps foreward and I was no longer in water. A few more and I was at the back of the little cove. I was so tired and cold that I just curled up right there.

My paw still hurt, but less. The scratches on my arms stung a little from being exposed to the not-extremely-clean water. I had nothing better to do, so I started cleaning my fur. It was a slow and difficult process in the cramped space.

I decided that tomorrow I would try to find a better shelter, right now I was too tired.

Hello people! I know this chapter was a little boring, but I wanted to give you something.
1k reads?! *fangirl scream* I can't believe it! I love all of you! *another fangirl scream* I still can't believe it!
When I started this I didn't expect it to get so many votes and reads! Thanks, all of you! You don't know how much it means to me that people I have never met before actually like my stories!
Okay, I think I'm calm now.
So, thanks again for reading and please Comment, Vote, and Share!             

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