Chapter 1

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Just a quick note before you begin. Please comment what you think or whatever else you feel needs to be said. I honestly enjoy reading comments and find your feedback very helpful for future projects. So please don't hesitate to comment. Thank you and enjoy.

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I sped through the woods on all fours, in my wolf form. Being in my wolf form feels so amazing and I feel so free, it's almost exciting. Well, being a rogue for most of my life, I'm always going to feel free. No Alpha, no pack responsibilities, just freedom and I loved every second of it.

"Faster, Gale. Run faster." I beg my wolf, which makes her increase her speed.

I'm blissfully happy when I feel the crisp air blow through my wolf's midnight blue fur. My wolf, Gale, is the same as me when it comes to running in our wolf form. we both feel at peace with the wooded area surrounding us. The scent of pine, fresh air and damp earth make our senses feel alive.

Gale starts to slow down and then finally stops at the bank of calming lake. The water looks so refreshing and cool. My wolf has the same idea as she dips her head to take a drink. She breathes out in contentment, the cool water sliding down her throat. It makes me thirsty thinking about how refreshing the water must be.

"Let's shift back." I say in my head.


I shift back into my human form and Gale stays inside my mind. My jet black hair curls down my back as I straighten my black leather jacket, lifting up the collar. Once that is sorted, I go on my knees and scoop some water in my hands, gulping it down quickly. The cool liquid glides down my throat and it leaves me feeling refreshed and hydrated. I sigh and lounge next to the lake. The peace of the woods that surround me allows me to relax. Nothing is better than this.

"It's so peaceful." I comment to Gale.

"Yeah, it's very peaceful. The Alpha of this territory is very lucky." Gale replies.

I stiffen at her words, my breath hitching in my throat. I almost can't breathe after what she said. Territory. . .

"What do you mean by that, Gale?" I ask nervously.

"We're on someone's territory, duh. Didn't you notice?" Gale answers.

Oh no. This is really bad. If a rogue like me is caught on pack territory, they won't exactly welcome me with open arms. Well, they will welcome me with open arms. . .but that will only be to try to catch me and torture me until I'm nothing but a bloody mess!

"I have to get out of here," I mumble, quickly standing up and I prepare myself to leave.

Just as I'm about to shift, a branch snaps behind me and a powerful growl erupts as well.

Oh, this is so cliché but that doesn't make it any less terrifying.

Gale immediately takes control and shifts into our wolf form and begins to run as fast as she can. Just as that happens, a large, black, and horrifying wolf jumps out from behind the cover of some bushes and begins to chase after us. Gale whimpers in fear as she runs in random directions through the forest. The fear of being caught is dawning on me and I begin to panic. But, despite this, I try to keep calm for Gale's sake as I urge her to go on.

"Run faster, Gale! Please run faster!" I beg.

"I'm going as fast as I can! Oh crap, it's gaining on us! Waa!" Gale sobs, running even faster than she normally does.

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